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BS Ecology & Environmental Science, Appalachian State. Currently working in Invasive Plant Management

Raleigh, North Carolina

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NeilDazet TeresaBurke MitchRay Geodialist
maplemoth662 LuckyLogan dhmcclanahan AntónioGinjaGinja
barbarossa Rue Anemome
Rue Anemome commented on by barbarossa Ohio, USA11 years ago

Sorry spelled that wrong! Rue anemone.

barbarossa Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug commented on by barbarossa Tennessee, USA11 years ago

Thanks! Love it when a name makes perfect sense.

barbarossa Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by barbarossa Kentucky, USA11 years ago


barbarossa Tricolored Bat
Tricolored Bat commented on by barbarossa Tennessee, USA11 years ago


barbarossa American Elderberry
American Elderberry commented on by barbarossa Georgia, USA11 years ago

Looks like a young elderberry.

barbarossa Allegheny Spurge
Allegheny Spurge commented on by barbarossa Tennessee, USA11 years ago

Found it! Has a white flower in a day or two.

barbarossa Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by barbarossa Amber, Oklahoma, USA11 years ago

I think this is a Physalis sp., probably virginiana. A type of ground cherry in the nightshade family. If it is- it's poisonous when unripe, but delicious when ripe and is used in jams and such. If those fruits are like papery chinese lanterns with berries inside that's probably what it is.

barbarossa Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by barbarossa North Carolina, USA11 years ago

I agree about the uncertainty in the world of fungi. I took a mycology class in university and we were only responsible for identification to genus level most of the time. There is just a lot of variability within species even. Very challenging.

barbarossa Loblolly Pines
Loblolly Pines commented on by barbarossa South Carolina, USA11 years ago

Anybody know what makes a row of trees grow into this pattern? Light penetration maybe?

barbarossa Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by barbarossa North Carolina, USA11 years ago

Ah, "false chanterelle". That would explain a lot, including the bright orange color. Danke vielmals!

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