A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Farm Bill Biologist. Worked in natural resources at local, state, and tribal levels. B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Management from LSSU.
Buchanan, MI
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Scientific name: Catharus guttatus
Common name: Joe-pye Weed
Scientific name: Eutrochium sp.
Wikipedia: Eutrochium
Common name: Nodding Thistle
Scientific name: Carduus nutans
Common name: Flat Bark Beetle
Scientific name: Cucujus clavipes
Common name: Wood Frog
Scientific name: Lithobates sylvaticus
Wikipedia: Wood frog
Common name: House Sparrow (male)
Scientific name: Passer domesticus
Common name: Spotted Towhee
Scientific name: Pipilo maculatus
Common name: Brant
Scientific name: Branta bernicla