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maplemoth662 Anna Chapman ChunXingWong
gratography Spotting
Spotting commented on by gratography Washington, USA4 years ago

There are a few corals with that coloration in Western North America. Because you just posted the picture, and I assume you also just took the picture, it is very likely the fall coral, Ramaria formosa.

They look good enough to eat, however, it's one of the documented corals that get classified as poisonous, causing Gastrointestinal irritation.

gratography Unknown
Unknown commented on by gratography Општина Житиште, Војводина, Serbia4 years ago

Hard to say. It sure looks like Farewell to Spring a Clarkia species of the Western US. Since it is Europe, maybe the people purchased some seed for the trellis or patio.

Then again...since there's many European species I am unfamiliar with, it ccould be one of those.

gratography Dyer's Polypore
Dyer's Polypore commented on by gratography California, USA4 years ago

Dyer’s Bracket, the common name given to the mushroom, Phaeolus schweinitzii, also fits into the family Polyporaceae

gratography Spotting
Spotting commented on by gratography Florida, USA4 years ago

Gilled Polypores sure do look like the specimen in the picture here. I did look at the atached pictures of the top of th specimen. It's all brown. Usually the most common gilled polypore, Lenzites betulina has a colorful top. However, I have seen specimens of the smaller, younger ones that are brown on the top.

gratography Autumn meadowhawk
Autumn meadowhawk commented on by gratography Lewis Run, Pennsylvania, USA4 years ago

I's getting late in the season for Pennsylvania dragonflies.

The red body and the small amount of red in the wings near the body, along with the season suggests a male Autumn meadowhawk. They are common in most areas of the United States, except for the Southwest.

gratography Paper Wasp
Paper Wasp commented on by gratography Tennessee, USA4 years ago

That's a very colorful wasp. Many of the paper wasps are hard to identify because they tend to change colors from region to region.

Not 100% sure, hovever, I've seen pictures of Polistes dorsalis that look like your specimen.

gratography Paper Wasps
Paper Wasps commented on by gratography Illinois, USA4 years ago

There are a least three differen aerial wasps or yellowjacketts found in Illinois. The name aerial applies to the type of nest they build, i.e., in the trees rather than in the ground.

The Bald-faced hornet is the most common species across the United States. However, without seeing any of the wasps on the nest, it's hard to tell. All the other aerial yellowjackets actually have yellow bodies.

gratography Scoliid Wasp
Scoliid Wasp commented on by gratography Maryland, USA4 years ago

Nice picture. It looks like the double-banded scoliid wasp.

Some of the Scoliid wasps can grow to two inches in length, making them very easy to spot as the fly around the lawn.

There's little to worry about with them. Normally they are looking for grubs in the soil.

gratography Spider
Spider commented on by gratography Montana, USA4 years ago

There are many orb weaving spiders that have an abdomen that looks somewhat similar to your spider.

My first thought might be a Cat-faced spider.Araneus gemmoides

Other spiders like the cross spider would have more distinc markings on the abdomen

gratography Spider
Spider commented on by gratography Tennessee, USA4 years ago

The spots on the abdomen plus the banded legs suggest a black and yellow garden spider. They are very common. Also, I have seen more than a few istances where the colors of Argiope species, including the banded garden spider, change or fade.

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