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Thanks to H.P. Susantha Kumara (in photo) who was my tracker/guide in Udawalawe National Park and contributed 95% of the IDs from Sri Lanka

Berwyn, IL, USA

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jazz.mann Oriental Black Potter wasp
Oriental Black Potter wasp commented on by jazz.mann Thành phố Sa Đéc, Đồng Tháp, Viet Nama year ago

but I guess I should point out the I mostly shoot wildlife that is far away rather than closeups of bugs and such, so that could change the perspective.

jazz.mann Oriental Black Potter wasp
Oriental Black Potter wasp commented on by jazz.mann Thành phố Sa Đéc, Đồng Tháp, Viet Nama year ago

Hi John I also have trouble seeing the screen when its bright, even if the sun is not directly behind me. I also find it very hard to hold still when activating the shutter, plus let's face it, there is no comparison in lens quality and sensor quality between an SLR and a cell phone. so for all those reasons, I far prefer an SLR camera to a phone, and only use my phone when I happen across something unintentional and dont have my camera with me.

jazz.mann Gulf fritillary
Gulf fritillary commented on by jazz.mann Fort Worth, Texas, United Statesa year ago

Hi Ornithoptera80: now that Dune is out on HBO, I dont know if you have that channel, but if so, you should check it out to see the CGI "ornithopter" aircraft that the author imagined many decades ago. Just know that the movie only gets halfway through the first book, so like Lord of the Rings, the ending is not satisfying after only the first installment.

jazz.mann Carpenter Bee
Carpenter Bee commented on by jazz.mann Tambon Phai Lom, Chang Wat Nakhon Phanom, Thailanda year ago

nice! I spotted same species in Sri Lanka and spent a lot of effort to ID it (that is how I found this site). glad you agreed with my ID.

jazz.mann Common Tailorbird
Common Tailorbird commented on by jazz.mann Nugegoda, Western Province, Sri Lanka2 years ago

Hi Rithmini: so sorry to see your recent comments on a different spotting about the troubles in Sri Lanka. I loved my time there, and I have enjoyed our correspondence on this site. Know that I am thinking of you and wishing the best for you and your family. If things get worse, please let me know and I will find a way to help.

jazz.mann Chocolate Albatross
Chocolate Albatross commented on by jazz.mann Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines2 years ago

Hi John: Did you get further south in the Philippines to see the Tarsiers?

jazz.mann Grey-headed Kite
Grey-headed Kite commented on by jazz.mann Alajuela Province, Costa Rica2 years ago

Hey Mel: nice spotting, and it's nice when we help each other ID spottings on this site, but just wondering if you have tried the free Merlin app for Android or other phones to ID spottings. It is pretty remarkable.

jazz.mann Zebra Blue
Zebra Blue commented on by jazz.mann Nugegoda, Western Province, Sri Lanka2 years ago

Hi Rithmini: very glad to hear you and your family are doing OK so far. I'm looking forward to the return of warm weather here so I can get out again with my camera (even this spring the weather has been miserable).

jazz.mann Brahminy Blind Snake
Brahminy Blind Snake commented on by jazz.mann Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines2 years ago

The only place I have seen drafts show up is when I click on the link to my page of spottings. but I wouldnt fret too much if you dont find any as the only thing you will find there is the photo(s), and that is the quickest/eaiest thing to redo.

jazz.mann Brahminy Blind Snake
Brahminy Blind Snake commented on by jazz.mann Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines2 years ago

One more tip if you write longer descriptions and are losing them due to IT issues: type your notes into a word-pad doc first and then copy and paste them over to the spotting

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