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I'm one of those seasonal field biologist people. I also take a lot of photos. I'm usually somewhere in Texas.

Leakey, Texas

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BryanHughes Cody.conway
Cody.conway Carol Snow Milne 2


jilltwussow Cackling Goose
Cackling Goose commented on by jilltwussow Canyon, Texas, USA11 years ago

Nice -I'm a fan of these guys!

jilltwussow Blanchard's Cricket Frog
Blanchard's Cricket Frog commented on by jilltwussow College Station, Texas, USA11 years ago

Thanks for the id! None of the Northern Cricket frogs I see in the Texas Hill Country have that read line - is it a regional thing?

jilltwussow Blanchard's Cricket Frog
Blanchard's Cricket Frog commented on by jilltwussow College Station, Texas, USA11 years ago

Thanks for the link! I thought cricket frog initially, but it looks a little different than what I'm used to?

jilltwussow Grand Canyon Rattlesnake
Grand Canyon Rattlesnake commented on by jilltwussow Arizona, USA11 years ago

Very cool shot, Bryan!

jilltwussow Zone-tailed Hawk
Zone-tailed Hawk commented on by jilltwussow Leakey, Texas, USA11 years ago

Thanks, Cody! Yeah, I got pretty lucky this year with finally getting some photos. Love these birds big time!

jilltwussow Cuckoo Wasp
Cuckoo Wasp commented on by jilltwussow College Station, Texas, USA11 years ago

Excellent, thanks!

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