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HemaShah Atul The MnMs Christiane
staccyh Giovani maplemoth662 Brenda Hoffman
loarie Terrestrial Forest Crab
Terrestrial Forest Crab commented on by loarie Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia5 years ago

I'm pretty certain this is Sesarmidae ( of which Geosesarma is a member based on the square carapace, widely set eyes, and arboreal habits. Gecarcinucidae of which Arachnothelphusa is a member tend to have rounder carapaces with beady eyes in deeply set orbits, and also tend to be in mud/water, not in trees. Compare

loarie Terrestrial Forest Crab
Terrestrial Forest Crab commented on by loarie Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia6 years ago

Very cool Albert, I saw crabs similar to this in Penang

loarie Spotting
Spotting commented on by loarie Virginia, USA6 years ago

Thanks bayucca - that was my guess too

loarie plant
plant commented on by loarie Texas, USA6 years ago

thanks Machi!

loarie Woodlouse.
Woodlouse. commented on by loarie Maine, USA6 years ago

This is Oniscus asellus

loarie Woodlouse
Woodlouse commented on by loarie Ireland6 years ago

This is Oniscus asellus

loarie Queen of Sow Bugs
Queen of Sow Bugs commented on by loarie Chiapas, Mexico6 years ago

This is Armadillidium vulgare

loarie cucarrana, bicho de bola o cochinilla
cucarrana, bicho de bola o cochinilla commented on by loarie Cartagena, Murcia, Spain6 years ago

Very cool - this is Porcellio ornatus

loarie Sowbug
Sowbug commented on by loarie Vermont, USA6 years ago

Very cool. This is Porcellio spinicornis - see

loarie Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by loarie Annobón, Equatorial Guinea6 years ago


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