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I'm from Aussie, love photography, living in India with a big garden & want to find out about butterflies, bugs, & creatures that live there

Tamil Nadu, India

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Atul DanielePralong Geodialist alicelongmartin
herbst.theresa Rithmini Weerakkody realjapanesegreentea mm3281323
pamsai Azafranata Elfin
Azafranata Elfin commented on by pamsai Cuzco, Peru4 years ago

Thanks Ornithoptera80. I saw many little moths of a similar shape with different designs and often with gold markings also.

pamsai Geometrid Moth
Geometrid Moth commented on by pamsai La Paz Department, Bolivia4 years ago

Thank you DrNamgyalTSherpa

pamsai Erateina Moth
Erateina Moth commented on by pamsai La Paz Department, Bolivia4 years ago

thanks i_munasinghe

pamsai Day-flying Geometrid Moth
Day-flying Geometrid Moth commented on by pamsai Cuzco, Peru4 years ago

Thank you Ornithoptera80...

pamsai Tiger Moth
Tiger Moth commented on by pamsai Cuzco, Peru4 years ago

Thank you for the ID Saturniidae27....

pamsai Tiger Moth
Tiger Moth commented on by pamsai Cuzco, Peru4 years ago

Thank you i_munasinghe...

pamsai Erebid moth
Erebid moth commented on by pamsai Cuzco, Peru4 years ago

Thank you Ornithoptera80. Think I'll leave it at genus...

pamsai Erateina Moth
Erateina Moth commented on by pamsai La Paz Department, Bolivia4 years ago

Thank you Ornithoptera80 for clarification of the ID.

pamsai Erateina Moth
Erateina Moth commented on by pamsai La Paz Department, Bolivia4 years ago

Ornithoptera80. Do you think may be this is also Erateina staudingeri, or I have the right ID ?

pamsai Erateina Moth
Erateina Moth commented on by pamsai La Paz Department, Bolivia4 years ago

Thanks DrNamgyalTSherpa

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