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Gina423 LennyWorthington
umbertocletini Greater Flamingo
Greater Flamingo commented on by umbertocletini Australia10 years ago

Sorry, but these animals stood in a garden. :)

umbertocletini Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by umbertocletini Provincia de Galápagos, Ecuador10 years ago

I'm Sorry for the Mistake but I'm a new entry in Project Noah. I photographed this Flower in private greenhouse, if you need i've got some high resolution pictures in the different hours of the day, if you need the pictures you can to write me at: i'm disposal for further informations. Best Regards

umbertocletini Hydrangea
Hydrangea commented on by umbertocletini Maryland, USA10 years ago


umbertocletini Hydrangea
Hydrangea commented on by umbertocletini Maryland, USA10 years ago


umbertocletini Leghorn
Leghorn commented on by umbertocletini Abilene, Texas, USA10 years ago


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