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This is one of my favorite jumpers and his a good biological mosquito control. He's as small as a mosquito but he's beautiful. I think this mosquito is a dengue carrier and he wont share it.


I hope its anywhere where there are mosquitos.

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shekainah d. alaban
shekainah d. alaban 12 years ago

Ha ha ha, wait till you see all of my reptile and butterfly collections.

KarenL 12 years ago

How interesting! Sounds like spiders run in your family! :)

shekainah d. alaban
shekainah d. alaban 12 years ago

Hope so Karen, actually my dad helps to study more about this jumper and the possibility of harnessing its potential as a bio-control against mosquitos.

KarenL 12 years ago

Awesome! We could do with a few of these guys in Tennessee - lots of mosquitos to keep them busy!

Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines

Spotted on Jul 7, 2011
Submitted on Apr 9, 2012

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