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Banded Metallic-green Jumping Spider

Cosmophasis micans


Cosmophasis micans (L. Koch 1880), the Banded Metallic-green Jumping Spider. A jumping spider with iridescent, metallic-looking, turqoise-green colored bands across the carapace, a white stripe along the front edge and sides of the abdomen, a central white stripe running lengthways down the abdomen and white and turquoise bands on the legs - otherwise mostly jet black. It is found in Australia, New Guinea and Southeast Asia. The carapace is high, widest behind the posterior lateral eyes sloping quite steeply to the margins. The abdomen is long, more or less cigar-shaped, a little flattish on top and tapering towards the spinnerets. It feeds on ants and other arthropods (Mascord 1970). Named Amycus micans by Koch in 1880, changed to Cosmophasis by Simon. The name cosmo means world and phasis means phase, aspect, appearance, or way. It may refer to the way the cephalothorax, if spherical, might resemble a world, with bands of oceans and continents. The word micans is from the Latin micare to vibrate and sparkle, hence sparkling, shiny, iridiscent. ♀ 5mm ♂ 8mm. (


Backyard adjacent to an open space.



1 Species ID Suggestions

green metallic jumping spider
cosmophasis micans

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AgnesAdiqueTalavera 10 years ago

Thank you for the ID, ashutosh.dudhatra. Much appreciated! :)

AgnesAdiqueTalavera 10 years ago

Thanks also OmarRamo, DiazJoseMiguel, WilsonW, and LuckyLogan :)

AgnesAdiqueTalavera 10 years ago

Thank you Adi for your comment :) Appreciate it.

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 10 years ago

Very nice one Agnes!

Laguna, Philippines

Spotted on Aug 25, 2013
Submitted on Sep 6, 2013

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