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Southern Romance

Southern Romance

Submit spottings of wild animals (no pets or zoo animals, please) in the southeast USA courting, mating, and parenting. Spottings demonstrating breeding-season coloration, eggs, baby animals, and similarly related topics are also welcome. Try to capture aspects of animals' lives which are unique to their breeding seasons. If possible, please include a detailed description of the spotting and whatever information you know about the life cycle of the species. Sign in to join mission

Southern Romance
Created by

Mandy Hollman

Website 69 participants 317 spottings

Warm weather is here, and love is in the air! Instinct drives all animals to "be fruitful and multiply." Some have developed incredible strategies for attracting a mate and giving their offspring the best possible chance of survival. Competition between organisms to propagate their DNA drives the process of natural selection, resulting in the incredible variety of species on our planet. The breeding season is an ideal time to spot wildlife, as animals come out of hiding and demonstrate appearances and behaviors seen only during this critical time in their lives. This mission focuses on courtship, mating, and parenting behavior among wildlife in the southeastern region of the United States. It celebrates the diversity and continuity of life on Earth.

Southern Romance

Lat: 33.97 Long: -83.60

Recent Spottings

Eastern Newt (Amplexus) JenKnight 5 0 Eastern Newt (Amplexus)
Red-shouldered Bug mcurrier703 1 0 Red-shouldered Bug
Wild Bleeding-heart marylou.wildlife 1 0 Wild Bleeding-heart
Nomad Bees Machi 10 5 Nomad Bees
Harvestman Richard1993 1 1 Harvestman
Brown Anole MsMcGurr 0 0 Brown Anole
Thread-waisted Wasps Machi 3 0 Thread-waisted Wasps
American redstart Maria dB 1 2 American redstart
Jagged Ambush Bug Machi 3 1 Jagged Ambush Bug
Citrine Forktail Machi 5 5 Citrine Forktail
Water skimmers, pond skates, Gerridae BerrianA.HobbyIV 1 0 Water skimmers, pond skates, Gerridae
Mourning dove Maria dB 3 2 Mourning dove
Great Southern White Machi 1 0 Great Southern White
Red-shouldered Hawk (nestling) QWMom 2 1 Red-shouldered Hawk (nestling)
Pipevine Swallowtail MichelleMc 1 1 Pipevine Swallowtail
Mourning Cloak Butterfly KenCheeks 1 0 Mourning Cloak Butterfly
Clouded Skipper chesterbperry 1 0 Clouded Skipper
Margined leatherwing soldier beetle Maria dB 1 0 Margined leatherwing soldier beetle
Green Lynx Spider ColtMooney 0 0 Green Lynx Spider
May Fly TaylorRobertson 0 1 May Fly
Scentless Plant Bug Machi 2 1 Scentless Plant Bug
Mantid Egg Case Mandy Hollman 2 1 Mantid Egg Case
Bluets (mating) KarenL 1 0 Bluets (mating)
Cecropia moths (mating) KarenL 21 3 Cecropia moths (mating)
Waterstrider Maria dB 3 0 Waterstrider
Viceroy Machi 3 1 Viceroy
Shining Leaf Chafer Machi 0 0 Shining Leaf Chafer
Eastern tailed blue KarenL 2 0 Eastern tailed blue
Six-spotted tiger beetle Maria dB 2 3 Six-spotted tiger beetle
Horseshoe Crabs - Mating TeresaBurke 1 0 Horseshoe Crabs - Mating
Mockingbird ColtMooney 4 1 Mockingbird
Dogbane Leaf Beetle ColtMooney 0 0 Dogbane Leaf Beetle
Spotting Machi 2 0 Spotting
Everglades Sprites Machi 1 0 Everglades Sprites
Delta Flower Scarab Machi 1 0 Delta Flower Scarab
Fiery Skipper Machi 1 0 Fiery Skipper
Whirligig beetle Maria dB 2 0 Whirligig beetle
Tachinid fly KarenL 1 0 Tachinid fly
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle ColtMooney 1 1 Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
Red-shouldered Bug palhofm 0 2 Red-shouldered Bug
Southern Two Striped Walking Stick TTaylor 1 2 Southern Two Striped Walking Stick
Red-tailed Hawk QWMom 2 0 Red-tailed Hawk
Autumn Meadowhawk dragonflies (mating pair, in tandem and in wheel) Geodialist 2 3 Autumn Meadowhawk dragonflies (mating pair, in tandem and in wheel)
Viceroy butterflies (mating pair) Geodialist 2 1 Viceroy butterflies (mating pair)
Autumn Meadowhawk dragonflies (mating pair, in wheel) Geodialist 1 0 Autumn Meadowhawk dragonflies (mating pair, in wheel)
Blue-faced Meadowhawk dragonflies (mating pair) Geodialist 4 0 Blue-faced Meadowhawk dragonflies (mating pair)
Great Blue Skimmer dragonflies (mating pair) Geodialist 4 0 Great Blue Skimmer dragonflies (mating pair)
Southern Blackracer JasonHarris 3 0 Southern Blackracer
Blue-faced Meadowhawk dragonfly (male, preparing for mating) Geodialist 3 1 Blue-faced Meadowhawk dragonfly (male, preparing for mating)
Thread-waisted wasps Maria dB 2 0 Thread-waisted wasps

Recently joined

audubonchic JenKnight marylou.wildlife ColtMooney
shinleveranna azchipka BerrianA.HobbyIV sarahp.grafton
TTaylor mcurrier703 AndreavonW Cheryl l
StephenBragg W1ck23 MeadowBird SamRod
MsMcGurr Faith Larson KenCheeks swpguy
hopntara AlyssaOvertonMcCullah LaurieGreer TonyHarvey
QWMom Nimbid Ditavi VictoriaShirleyPhotography HeatherMcClure
hummellstudios Wilsons JasonHarris Backwards Photocell
LisaPowers RWest0006 Louisa JeffLaurie
Casey5 CricketsBlog FrankDeckert chesterbperry
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