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Ontario Wildlife

Ontario Wildlife

Discover wildlife in Ontario and educate those around us. With your family or friends, go nature hunting and discover Ontario in a whole new light. Backyard, school yard, within the city... Show off the plants, mammals, fish and any other neat wildlife discoveries you may have found. Sign in to join mission

Ontario Wildlife
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Website 103 participants 1,384 spottings

Discover wildlife in Ontario and educate those around us.

Ontario Wildlife

Lat: 46.52 Long: -84.35

Recent Spottings

Northern Green Frog Greg Shchepanek 4 0 Northern Green Frog
Raccoon Greg Shchepanek 4 0 Raccoon
Short-billed Dowitcher Greg Shchepanek 4 0 Short-billed Dowitcher
Evening Grosbeak Greg Shchepanek 9 2 Evening Grosbeak
American Bullfrog Greg Shchepanek 11 3 American Bullfrog
Eastern Cottontail Greg Shchepanek 5 2 Eastern Cottontail
Ram's Head Lady's Slipper Orchid Greg Shchepanek 8 2 Ram's Head Lady's Slipper Orchid
Northern Short-Tailed Shrew Greg Shchepanek 6 1 Northern Short-Tailed Shrew
Harlequin Corydalis/Rock Harlequin Greg Shchepanek 5 0 Harlequin Corydalis/Rock Harlequin
Groundhog Greg Shchepanek 13 1 Groundhog
Northern Leopard Frog Greg Shchepanek 4 2 Northern Leopard Frog
Great Crested Flycatcher Greg Shchepanek 7 1 Great Crested Flycatcher
Cape May Warbler Greg Shchepanek 2 0 Cape May Warbler
Yellow-orange Fly Agaric Greg Shchepanek 7 1 Yellow-orange Fly Agaric
Northern Leopard Frog Greg Shchepanek 6 1 Northern Leopard Frog
Wood Frog Greg Shchepanek 2 1 Wood Frog
Eastern Cottontail Greg Shchepanek 6 1 Eastern Cottontail
Heartleaf Foamflower Greg Shchepanek 1 0 Heartleaf Foamflower
Wild Strawberry Greg Shchepanek 1 0 Wild Strawberry
Northern Starflower Greg Shchepanek 1 0 Northern Starflower
Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid Greg Shchepanek 2 0 Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid
Small Cranberry Greg Shchepanek 2 0 Small Cranberry
Wild Columbine Greg Shchepanek 2 1 Wild Columbine
Painted Lady Greg Shchepanek 2 0 Painted Lady
Snowshoe Hare Greg Shchepanek 10 2 Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare Greg Shchepanek 16 5 Snowshoe Hare
Northern Leopard Frog Greg Shchepanek 2 0 Northern Leopard Frog
White-tailed Deer Greg Shchepanek 5 0 White-tailed Deer
Monarch Greg Shchepanek 5 0 Monarch
American Toad Greg Shchepanek 2 0 American Toad
Monarch Greg Shchepanek 9 2 Monarch
Ruffed Grouse Greg Shchepanek 9 1 Ruffed Grouse
American Bullfrog Greg Shchepanek 12 2 American Bullfrog
Northern Leopard Frogs Greg Shchepanek 2 2 Northern Leopard Frogs
American Red Squirrel Greg Shchepanek 9 2 American Red Squirrel
American Bullfrog Greg Shchepanek 5 0 American Bullfrog
Ghost Tiger Beetle Greg Shchepanek 9 10 Ghost Tiger Beetle
LeConte's Tiger Beetle Greg Shchepanek 1 0 LeConte's Tiger Beetle
American Crow Nature lover 1 0 American Crow
Midland Painted Turtle Greg Shchepanek 10 2 Midland Painted Turtle
Northern Green Frog Greg Shchepanek 5 2 Northern Green Frog
American Toad Greg Shchepanek 4 0 American Toad
Spruce Grouse Greg Shchepanek 4 0 Spruce Grouse
Bog Laurel Greg Shchepanek 4 0 Bog Laurel
Bronzed Tiger Beetles Greg Shchepanek 4 2 Bronzed Tiger Beetles
American Toad Greg Shchepanek 2 0 American Toad
Spruce Grouse Greg Shchepanek 2 0 Spruce Grouse
Eastern Chipmunk Greg Shchepanek 1 1 Eastern Chipmunk
LeConte's Tiger Beetles Greg Shchepanek 4 2 LeConte's Tiger Beetles
LeConte's Tiger Beetle Greg Shchepanek 3 0 LeConte's Tiger Beetle

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Shellys Vintage Matthew Eppihimer Frederic Ansermoz Joseph R. Godreau
BeccaYonev HemaShah DanielMcdonald Connick
MarilynC NavigatorBepo Verolynne MartaPoludnik
JamieOsborne LittleRubes wildsweld trainrainy
KathleenChayer maybedeathisagift TaraIngramLeChasseur Phil in the Shwa
SarahTheSlug JordanWalmsley The KEEP Parade HaydenG
ktsmall abillick Alec JenniReaumePoling
AaronTasha parkyparks33 JessicaEckenswiller Miss butterfly
ElementalParadise Nature lover GenevieveMoreau JessePaul
RoseHarrison alina MarcMariage Greg Shchepanek
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