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Merendero Puerta Grande

Merendero Puerta Grande

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Merendero Puerta Grande
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Website 4 participants 252 spottings

Clasificar todos los avistamientos de el Merendero en Puerta Grande

Merendero Puerta Grande

Lat: 14.56 Long: -90.47

Recent Spottings

Arbol de Maizena AndresDuarte 1 0 Arbol de Maizena
Pale Red Bug or Turk’s Cap Red Bug AndresDuarte 1 0 Pale Red Bug or Turk’s Cap Red Bug
Mexican Tiger Moth AndresDuarte 3 1 Mexican Tiger Moth
Buffy Crowned Wood Partridge AndresDuarte 1 1 Buffy Crowned Wood Partridge
Steller's Jay AndresDuarte 15 11 Steller's Jay
Azure-crowned Hummingbird AndresDuarte 1 2 Azure-crowned Hummingbird
Rusty Sparrow AndresDuarte 2 0 Rusty Sparrow
Carpintero bellotero AndresDuarte 2 0 Carpintero bellotero
Black Swallowtail AndresDuarte 7 5 Black Swallowtail
Ceiba AndresDuarte 1 0 Ceiba
Ave del Paraíso, Bird of Paradise AndresDuarte 0 2 Ave del Paraíso, Bird of Paradise
House Wren AndresDuarte 1 1 House Wren
Sweet osmanthus ear AndresDuarte 1 0 Sweet osmanthus ear
Rufous-collared Robin AndresDuarte 1 0 Rufous-collared Robin
White eared hummingbird AndresDuarte 5 2 White eared hummingbird
Wilson's warbler AndresDuarte 1 1 Wilson's warbler
Social Flycatcher AndresDuarte 2 3 Social Flycatcher
Spotting AndresDuarte 1 0 Spotting
Hortensia AndresDuarte 0 1 Hortensia
Pill bug AndresDuarte 0 0 Pill bug
Damselfly AndresDuarte 0 5 Damselfly
Mexican Silverspot AndresDuarte 0 1 Mexican Silverspot
Baltimore Oriole Female AndresDuarte 2 4 Baltimore Oriole Female
Julia Butterfly AndresDuarte 3 0 Julia Butterfly
Mini Orquídea Macroclinium bicolor AndresDuarte 1 0 Mini Orquídea Macroclinium bicolor
Melodious Blackbird AndresDuarte 0 2 Melodious Blackbird
Amaryllis Striatum (Hippeastrum) AndresDuarte 3 3 Amaryllis Striatum (Hippeastrum)
Slate-throated Redstart AndresDuarte 2 0 Slate-throated Redstart
Mint Moth, Polilla menta AndresDuarte 0 2 Mint Moth, Polilla menta
Butterfly AndresDuarte 3 2 Butterfly
Squirrel Cuckoo,Cukú Ardilla AndresDuarte 1 0 Squirrel Cuckoo,Cukú Ardilla
Thunbergia laurifolia, Laurel clock vine AndresDuarte 0 0 Thunbergia laurifolia, Laurel clock vine
Land snail AndresDuarte 0 2 Land snail
Spotting AndresDuarte 3 0 Spotting
Spotting AndresDuarte 2 2 Spotting
spiny lizard AndresDuarte 1 0 spiny lizard
Spotting AndresDuarte 1 0 Spotting
Zanate hembra AndresDuarte 1 2 Zanate hembra
Spotting AndresDuarte 1 2 Spotting
Spotting AndresDuarte 1 0 Spotting
Chara Centroamericana, Bushy‐crested Jay AndresDuarte 4 1 Chara Centroamericana, Bushy‐crested Jay
Sapillo AndresDuarte 1 0 Sapillo
Sabanera AndresDuarte 1 1 Sabanera
Orquidea Rossioglossum grande AndresDuarte 1 1 Orquidea Rossioglossum grande
Fomitopsis (Spraguei maybe) AndresDuarte 0 2 Fomitopsis (Spraguei maybe)
Tortoise Beetle, Tortolita tortuga AndresDuarte 10 8 Tortoise Beetle, Tortolita tortuga
Northern Flicker AndresDuarte 1 0 Northern Flicker
Spotting AndresDuarte 1 0 Spotting
Trébol Rojo, Trébol Violeta, Red Clover AndresDuarte 0 2 Trébol Rojo, Trébol Violeta, Red Clover
Black‐headed Siskin AndresDuarte 6 9 Black‐headed Siskin

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Jasmine123 ErnestoDuarte AndresDuarte cocacoladuarte
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