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Diversity of arthropods

Diversity of arthropods

Share photos of arthropods like insects, millipedes, centipedes, crustaceans, arachnids... from all over the world 🌍 Sign in to join mission

Diversity of arthropods
15 participants 1,680 spottings

Arthropoda is one of the most diverse group of animal phyla consists of large group of invertebrates like crustaceans, spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, millipedes, centipedes, bugs, butterflies, springtails, ants, bees, flies, wasps, springtails, dragonfly, damselflies, beetles..... This mission is to document the diversity of arthropods from all over the world.

Diversity of arthropods

Lat: 13.28 Long: 74.75

Recent Spottings

Jewel Bug (nymph) John B. 3 0 Jewel Bug (nymph)
Common Earwig arne.roysland 2 0 Common Earwig
Sun Fly arne.roysland 1 0 Sun Fly
Weevil arne.roysland 1 0 Weevil
Tortoise Beetle (early instar larva) John B. 1 0 Tortoise Beetle (early instar larva)
Mud Dauber Wasp John B. 1 0 Mud Dauber Wasp
Common Stilter arne.roysland 2 0 Common Stilter
Slender-scaped Carpenter Bee John B. 1 2 Slender-scaped Carpenter Bee
Black Bean Bug John B. 1 0 Black Bean Bug
Golden Orb-weaver John B. 2 0 Golden Orb-weaver
Hazel-leaf Roller Weevil arne.roysland 5 2 Hazel-leaf Roller Weevil
Chalcidid Wasp John B. 1 0 Chalcidid Wasp
Tube Spittlebug John B. 2 1 Tube Spittlebug
Long-nosed Planthopper John B. 2 5 Long-nosed Planthopper
Soldier Beetle arne.roysland 1 0 Soldier Beetle
Geometer Moth John B. 1 0 Geometer Moth
Tachinid Fly John B. 1 0 Tachinid Fly
Gram Blue John B. 1 0 Gram Blue
Green Vegetable Bug (nymphs) John B. 1 0 Green Vegetable Bug (nymphs)
Green Vegetable Bug (nymphs) John B. 1 0 Green Vegetable Bug (nymphs)
Scrub Hopper John B. 3 0 Scrub Hopper
Common Mapwing John B. 2 0 Common Mapwing
Big-eyed Bug John B. 1 0 Big-eyed Bug
Cucurbit Beetle John B. 1 0 Cucurbit Beetle
Horned Treehopper John B. 1 0 Horned Treehopper
Cerulean John B. 2 0 Cerulean
Wasp Moth John B. 2 0 Wasp Moth
Lesser Cruiser John B. 1 0 Lesser Cruiser
Red Lacewing John B. 1 0 Red Lacewing
Flatid Planthopper John B. 1 0 Flatid Planthopper
Man-faced Shield Bug John B. 2 2 Man-faced Shield Bug
Triangular-striped Moth John B. 4 0 Triangular-striped Moth
Hairstreak John B. 1 0 Hairstreak
Asian Weaver Ant Queen John B. 2 0 Asian Weaver Ant Queen
Geranium Plume Moth John B. 1 0 Geranium Plume Moth
Slender Rice Bug John B. 1 0 Slender Rice Bug
Bean Plataspid John B. 1 0 Bean Plataspid
Sweet Potato Bug with Eggs John B. 1 0 Sweet Potato Bug with Eggs
Black Bean Bug John B. 1 0 Black Bean Bug
Orb-weaver Spider John B. 2 0 Orb-weaver Spider
Slender Rice Bug John B. 1 0 Slender Rice Bug
Tiger Beetle John B. 1 0 Tiger Beetle
Lesser Grass Blue John B. 2 0 Lesser Grass Blue
Lynx Spider John B. 1 0 Lynx Spider
Bee Mimic Robber fly tomk3886 3 1 Bee Mimic Robber fly
Long-nosed Planthopper John B. 1 0 Long-nosed Planthopper
Wasp Moth John B. 1 0 Wasp Moth
Mottled Emigrant John B. 4 5 Mottled Emigrant
Dark Grass Blue John B. 1 0 Dark Grass Blue
Flower Crab Spider John B. 1 0 Flower Crab Spider

Recently joined

ArisL Irandi Munasinghe John B. Grabs
Jerrick Francis Floe Võ Anh Tuấn Sahana Vajirasena
tomk3886 arne.roysland jazz.mann Rithmini Weerakkody
drpadhiyar23 delacruzryan63 nordin.ashley
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