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Birds of the World

Birds of the World

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Birds of the World
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Website 12,840 participants 105,312 spottings

There are over 10,000 living species of birds on the planet. They can be found in ecosystems across the globe, from the arctic to the antarctic. Help us document the beautiful diversity of birds from around the world.

Birds of the World

Recent Spottings

Gavilán caminero - Roadside hawk Augusto Patiño R. 1 0 Gavilán caminero - Roadside hawk
Blue-faced Honeyeater Leuba Ridgway 3 1 Blue-faced Honeyeater
Woodchat Shrike; Alcaudón común arlanda 3 1 Woodchat Shrike; Alcaudón común
Western gull Steven Sheppard 1 0 Western gull
Pied-billled Grebe Steven Sheppard 1 0 Pied-billled Grebe
Crested Pigeon Leuba Ridgway 2 0 Crested Pigeon
Spanish Sparrow Zlatan Celebic 3 0 Spanish Sparrow
Mistle thrush; Zorzal charlo arlanda 1 0 Mistle thrush; Zorzal charlo
Grey Wagtail Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Grey Wagtail
Great Tit; Carbonero común arlanda 1 0 Great Tit; Carbonero común
Painted bunting (male) Brian38 6 0 Painted bunting (male)
Summer tanager Brian38 4 0 Summer tanager
Laughing gull Brian38 1 0 Laughing gull
Black-and-white warbler Brian38 3 0 Black-and-white warbler
Scaled quail Brian38 3 0 Scaled quail
Yellow-headed blackbird Brian38 2 0 Yellow-headed blackbird
Lesser goldfinch Brian38 2 0 Lesser goldfinch
Bullock's oriole Brian38 2 0 Bullock's oriole
Yellow-crowned night heron Brian38 2 0 Yellow-crowned night heron
Pyrrhuloxia Brian38 2 0 Pyrrhuloxia
Common nighthawk Brian38 2 0 Common nighthawk
American goldfinch Brian38 1 0 American goldfinch
Black-crowned night heron Brian38 1 0 Black-crowned night heron
Bell's vireo Brian38 2 0 Bell's vireo
Orchard oriole Brian38 1 0 Orchard oriole
Vermilion flycatcher (female) Brian38 1 0 Vermilion flycatcher (female)
Vermilion flycatcher Brian38 1 0 Vermilion flycatcher
Peaceful Dove Leuba Ridgway 3 1 Peaceful Dove
Red-Ruffed Fruitcrow LeonardoMB 1 0 Red-Ruffed Fruitcrow
Buff-banded Rail Leuba Ridgway 4 1 Buff-banded Rail
Orange-footed scrubfowl Leuba Ridgway 2 0 Orange-footed scrubfowl
Eurasian Magpie; Urraca común arlanda 3 2 Eurasian Magpie; Urraca común
Turkey Vulture LeonardoMB 1 0 Turkey Vulture
Spotless Starling Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Spotless Starling
Serin Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Serin
Rock Sparrow Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Rock Sparrow
Little owl Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Little owl
Southern Grey Shrike jasem 4 0 Southern Grey Shrike
Spotted Flycatcher Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Spotted Flycatcher
Rock bunting Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Rock bunting
Maghreb Magpie Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Maghreb Magpie
Carrion Crow SukanyaDatta 1 0 Carrion Crow
Yellow-headed caracara Steven Sheppard 2 3 Yellow-headed caracara
Moussier's Redstart Zlatan Celebic 5 2 Moussier's Redstart
Woodlark; Totovía arlanda 3 2 Woodlark; Totovía
Canada goose Steven Sheppard 2 0 Canada goose
Black Wheatear Zlatan Celebic 3 0 Black Wheatear
Black-winged Kite Karan Raghwa 5 0 Black-winged Kite
Great Spotted Woodpecker; Pico Picapinos arlanda 3 0 Great Spotted Woodpecker; Pico Picapinos
Common Kestrel Karan Raghwa 3 0 Common Kestrel

Recently joined

Augusto Patiño R. mdbartolome tomk3886 TheDragonsSpark
nguyenduy240784 Jim Petro John B. Isuru Madusankha
khushisingla08 bluewing opzjon RudraDey
grlambert 24sihuseby Celtamongstmen ChristianNZ
Felix Fleck Francis Floe Fradz Sha Katherine GA
Ainsley Stinson Sahana Vajirasena bethdeir Ignacio Patxi
saranya sraj22200 Kiranmayee ach31
sera venturals tanyaandkodi mickie.kpham
pandian2004 crowsnested iturbe.caleb sdaly101
aidaria hannahcappuccio RafeJS horseradishfit
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