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Maghreb Magpie

Pica mauritanica


This bird is easily recognizable by its striking black and white plumage and long tail, similar in appearance to its relative, the Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica). The Maghreb Magpie measures about 46–50 cm in length, with the tail accounting for almost half of this length. The bird features a glossy black head, neck, and breast, contrasted with white shoulders, belly, and flanks. The wings are black with a greenish-blue iridescence, and the tail is long and black with a metallic sheen, contributing to its distinctive appearance. It sports a light blue skin patch behind the eyes.


The Maghreb Magpie is native to the Maghreb region, iand nhabits a variety of environments. It prefers open woodlands and areas with scattered trees, but it is also commonly found in farmlands and orchards. It also adapts well to human-altered landscapes, and is often seen in parks and gardens - like here, when observed in Menara gardens of Marrakech.


1.) Another bird that was on my wishlist when I was getting ready for Morocco mission... 2.) Maghreb Magpies are social birds, often seen in pairs or small family groups. Like their sister-species, they are also known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities. 3.) Their diet includes insects, small animals, seeds, fruits, and occasionally carrion.Foraging_ They forage on the ground and in trees, showing great versatility in their feeding habits. 4.) Maghreb Magpies build large, domed nests out of twigs and branches, usually in tall trees or shrubs. They lay 5-8 eggs per clutch, with both parents involved in incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks_

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Zlatan Celebic
Spotted by
Zlatan Celebic

Centre commune Rurale Sidi Badehaj, Marrakech-Safi, Morocco

Spotted on May 26, 2024
Submitted on May 26, 2024

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