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WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity

Cities are home to impressive biodiversity around the world. We want to see YOUR encounters with species dwelling in the urban environment, enriching our lives and connecting us to nature! Sign in to join mission

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity
Created by


7,224 participants 45,491 spottings

Millions of city-dwellers walk their local streets every day, but many overlook the multitude of animals and plants they pass. This mission builds awareness and appreciation for our urban biodiversity. Join us and let’s get urban nature on the map!

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity

Lat: 40.79 Long: -73.97

Recent Spottings

Virginian Tiger Moth Tukup 2 0 Virginian Tiger Moth
Western gull Steven Sheppard 1 0 Western gull
Pied-billled Grebe Steven Sheppard 1 0 Pied-billled Grebe
Spanish Sparrow Zlatan Celebic 3 0 Spanish Sparrow
Wide-eyed Flounder Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Wide-eyed Flounder
Checkered Keelback SukanyaDatta 2 2 Checkered Keelback
Marbled Crab Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Marbled Crab
Greater Weever Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Greater Weever
Madeira Rockfish Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Madeira Rockfish
European Spiny Lobster Zlatan Celebic 1 0 European Spiny Lobster
Maria's Feather Duster Worm Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Maria's Feather Duster Worm
Mediterranean Parrotfish Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Mediterranean Parrotfish
Slug SukanyaDatta 1 0 Slug
Spotless Starling Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Spotless Starling
Spectacle moth SukanyaDatta 1 0 Spectacle moth
Spotted Flycatcher Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Spotted Flycatcher
Maghreb Magpie Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Maghreb Magpie
Carrion Crow SukanyaDatta 1 0 Carrion Crow
Grey Squirrel SukanyaDatta 1 0 Grey Squirrel
Yellow-headed caracara Steven Sheppard 2 3 Yellow-headed caracara
Sahara Frog Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Sahara Frog
Canada goose Steven Sheppard 2 0 Canada goose
Yellow-legged Gull with chicks SukanyaDatta 1 0 Yellow-legged Gull with chicks
Woodchat Shrike Zlatan Celebic 7 2 Woodchat Shrike
Eurasian Hoopoe Zlatan Celebic 2 0 Eurasian Hoopoe
Brown Shrike Francis Floe 1 0 Brown Shrike
European Bee-eater Zlatan Celebic 3 1 European Bee-eater
African Chaffinch Zlatan Celebic 3 0 African Chaffinch
Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin Zlatan Celebic 4 2 Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin
European Turtle Dove Zlatan Celebic 2 2 European Turtle Dove
Thekla's Lark Zlatan Celebic 3 0 Thekla's Lark
Western Black-eared Wheatear Zlatan Celebic 4 1 Western Black-eared Wheatear
House Bunting Zlatan Celebic 4 0 House Bunting
Noble False Widow Spider Ava T-B 2 0 Noble False Widow Spider
Lacewing SukanyaDatta 2 5 Lacewing
Lizard SukanyaDatta 2 0 Lizard
Desert Ant SukanyaDatta 3 8 Desert Ant
House sparrow J.Qvdo 1 2 House sparrow
Great cormorant Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Great cormorant
Armenian Gull Zlatan Celebic 1 0 Armenian Gull
Eurasian Jay Zlatan Celebic 3 1 Eurasian Jay
Eurasian Nuthatch Zlatan Celebic 3 0 Eurasian Nuthatch
Spotting Irandi Munasinghe 2 0 Spotting
Black Witch Moth LeonardoMB 1 0 Black Witch Moth
White-Vented Violetear LeonardoMB 4 2 White-Vented Violetear
Yellow-crowned Night Heron Ava T-B 2 1 Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Walker's Moth LeonardoMB 5 2 Walker's Moth
Papilio astyalus J.Qvdo 0 2 Papilio astyalus
Mariposa Lunita Tejana (Texan crescent spot butterfly) Rodolfo 2 0 Mariposa Lunita Tejana (Texan crescent spot butterfly)
Spotting J.Qvdo 0 2 Spotting

Recently joined

J.Qvdo Isa-nature-lover meostandco Rodolfo
KimmyTheGoat ChristianNZ Jerrick Nasru Alam Aziz
arne.roysland Francis Floe RudraDey sghosh91
Rithmini Weerakkody drpadhiyar23 Võ Anh Tuấn claudia.restrepo71
harshwardhansharma.2205 jazz.mann sunshinejanani bozadzievvadim
Misty10 zlizzyv AnthonyKeic daggbooth
FisheyeM tmcnamee ChunXingWong Sonu kumar
halebot ____..The_Mystery____... Deny Irandi Munasinghe
maaordonio Kalen Suchandra Das cnakajima
Nature_Observer Vividha Naik tbplayerx jyenkin1
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