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All true flies, enter here. If you have spotted a fly (Order: Diptera), please add it to this mission so all can appreciate the diversity and beauty that is the fly! Diptera means two wings. The common names of the members of this order (Diptera) are written as two words: Crane fly, Robber fly, Bee fly, Moth fly, Fruit fly, etc. There are also Midges, Mosquitoes, and Gnats in this order. Sign in to join mission

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Website 495 participants 5,556 spottings

Flies are everywhere and quite frankly, I think they get a bad rap! Yes some can eat disgusting things, annoy you while you're eating, damage crops and transmit diseases but they also help with forensic and genetic science, pollination, and act as weed biocontrol agents. Many are quite beautiful and have a large variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Some have an amazing ability to mimic bees, wasps and mosquitoes. Others just hold their own. I hope people take a good look at the diversity of flies and appreciate all that they are! :)


Lat: 33.15 Long: -117.07

Recent Spottings

Northern Blowfly arne.roysland 1 0 Northern Blowfly
Sun Fly arne.roysland 1 0 Sun Fly
Common Stilter arne.roysland 2 0 Common Stilter
Tachinid Fly John B. 1 0 Tachinid Fly
Scorpionfly arne.roysland 2 2 Scorpionfly
Heineken Fly arne.roysland 3 0 Heineken Fly
Drone fly arlanda 2 0 Drone fly
Calligrapher Fly tomk3886 1 0 Calligrapher Fly
Fly tomk3886 1 0 Fly
Crane Fly tomk3886 1 0 Crane Fly
Yellow-thighed Bentbristle tomk3886 1 0 Yellow-thighed Bentbristle
Bee-mimic Robber Fly tomk3886 1 0 Bee-mimic Robber Fly
Philippine Fruit Fly John B. 1 0 Philippine Fruit Fly
Common European Greenbottle Fly tomk3886 1 0 Common European Greenbottle Fly
Long-legged Fly tomk3886 1 0 Long-legged Fly
Little Meadow Fly arne.roysland 1 0 Little Meadow Fly
bee fly arlanda 1 0 bee fly
Soldier fly -female Leuba Ridgway 1 0 Soldier fly -female
Drone fly arlanda 1 0 Drone fly
Common Flesh Fly John B. 1 0 Common Flesh Fly
Fly tomk3886 1 0 Fly
Bee-mimic Robber Fly tomk3886 3 0 Bee-mimic Robber Fly
Bee Mimic Robber Fly tomk3886 2 0 Bee Mimic Robber Fly
Bee Mimic Robber fly tomk3886 3 1 Bee Mimic Robber fly
Mosquito tomk3886 1 0 Mosquito
Soldier Fly arne.roysland 1 0 Soldier Fly
Celyphid Beetle Fly John B. 2 1 Celyphid Beetle Fly
Oriental Horsefly arne.roysland 3 0 Oriental Horsefly
Big-headed Lagoon Fly arne.roysland 2 0 Big-headed Lagoon Fly
Picture-winged Fly Brian38 1 0 Picture-winged Fly
Black Dump Fly arne.roysland 1 0 Black Dump Fly
Swift Feather-legged Fly Brian38 2 0 Swift Feather-legged Fly
Soldier Fly arne.roysland 2 0 Soldier Fly
Carolinian Elegant Brian38 1 0 Carolinian Elegant
Island Fly Leuba Ridgway 3 0 Island Fly
Soldier Fly John B. 1 0 Soldier Fly
Banana Stalk Fly John B. 1 0 Banana Stalk Fly
Hercules Robberfly Leuba Ridgway 4 1 Hercules Robberfly
Philippine Fruit Fly John B. 1 0 Philippine Fruit Fly
Goldenrod Gall Fly Gall tomk3886 1 0 Goldenrod Gall Fly Gall
Orange-belted Leafwalker tomk3886 1 0 Orange-belted Leafwalker
Giant Mayfly tomk3886 1 0 Giant Mayfly
Marsh Snipe Fly tomk3886 1 0 Marsh Snipe Fly
Scorpionfly ArisL 4 2 Scorpionfly
Fruit Flies tomk3886 1 0 Fruit Flies
Window Gnat arne.roysland 2 0 Window Gnat
Green Bottle Fly ArisL 1 0 Green Bottle Fly
Blue Bottle Fly ArisL 1 0 Blue Bottle Fly
Robber Fly Brian38 2 0 Robber Fly
Limoniid Crane Fly arne.roysland 2 0 Limoniid Crane Fly

Recently joined

ArisL John B. Grabs drpadhiyar23
Francis Floe themufflab tomk3886 Võ Anh Tuấn
cobalttoad Misty10 AnthonyKeic LisaPowers
Neil Ross Jae Kalen Manoj Samuel Grg
Deny Saturniidae27 Ornithoptera80 Matthew Hammond
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Brian38 flowntheloop Cássyo Ferreira Charlotte.Fletcher
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