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1 2 Acacia Leafbeetle

Acacia Leafbeetle

by Leuba RidgwayVictoria, Australia

this small plae green leaf beetle was about 7 mm long, slightly larger than the ...

1 1 Leaf beetle

Leaf beetle

by RachaelBQueensland, Australia

Dark black/green in colour. Quite large in size.

1 0 Blackwood tortoise beetle

Blackwood tortoise beetle

by MartinLBrisbane, Queensland, Australia

This is the other similar Acacia leaf ...

0 0 Acacia Leafbeetle (Calomela -2)

Acacia Leafbeetle (Calomela -2)

by Leuba RidgwayVictoria, Australia

This beautiful beetle looked like a little jewel box made of deep teal enamel ...

17 3 Acacia leaf beetle

Acacia leaf beetle

by martinlVictoria, Australia

A small bright green and yellow leaf beetle. There is some dimorphism between ...

0 0 Acacia Leafbeetle (Calomela -3)

Acacia Leafbeetle (Calomela -3)

by Leuba RidgwayVictoria, Australia

This small leaf beetle had pitted deep blue green elytra with pale brown ...

2 3 Acacia leaf beetle - fireblight beetle

Acacia leaf beetle - fireblight beetle

by LeubaVictoria, Australia

This appears to be a male fireblight beetle - very small about 7 to 8 mm with ...

4 0 Larva - Acacia leaf beetle

Larva - Acacia leaf beetle

by martinlVictoria, Australia

This chubby spotted larvae is certainly a leaf beetle. I have seen these ...

1 2 Paropsis pictipennis

Paropsis pictipennis

by Mark RidgwayVictoria, Australia

About 10mm long found on ?Kunzea sp. (celebrating Spring)

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