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3 1 Lemon


by Fyn KyndMaine, USA

Lemon (Citrus limon) - Knight's corner, ...

0 1 Muscadine Grapes

Muscadine Grapes

by MachiFlorida, USA

Young muscadine grapes

0 0 Cladonia sp.

Cladonia sp.

by MachiFlorida, USA

Moss-looking lichen.

1 0 Florida False Sunflower

Florida False Sunflower

by MachiFlorida, USA

Large yellow flower with long, thin petals. Stem was very long

0 0 Eastern Pinebarrens Tiger Beetle

Eastern Pinebarrens Tiger Beetle

by MachiFlorida, USA

A black tiger beetle with some white markings at its rear

0 0 Plum


by MachiFlorida, USA

There were two of these trees, both over 10 feet tall.

0 0 Scoliid Wasp ♂

Scoliid Wasp ♂

by MachiInverness, Florida, United States

Wasp with a long, skinny build. The body was mostly black with some yellow ...

0 0 Watergrass


by MachiFlorida, USA

suburban yard next to a forest

3 0 Jester Lichen

Jester Lichen

by MachiFlorida, USA

Bright red ascocarps. Pale greenish gray cortex, slightly ragged branches

1 0 Cup Lichen

Cup Lichen

by MachiFlorida, USA

Large clump of lichen with pale green, foliose lobes and rusty-colored ascocarps

1 0 Cladonia Lichen

Cladonia Lichen

by MachiFlorida, USA

Pink ascocarps; green crusty thallus. It looks like there was a lichenicolous ...

1 0 Ringless Honey Mushroom

Ringless Honey Mushroom

by MachiFlorida, USA

Dried up cluster of honey-brown mushrooms.

2 0 Indigo Bush

Indigo Bush

by MachiFlorida, USA

Fluffy seeds on a reddish-brown plant. D. pinnata or adenopoda.

0 0 Coastal Plain Dawnflower

Coastal Plain Dawnflower

by MachiFlorida, USA

I think the thin, green leaves are the leaves of this flower

0 0 Ganoderma


by MachiFlorida, USA

This mushroom was very stiff. The top was dry and not entirely smooth. Growing ...

0 0 Michaux's Snoutbean

Michaux's Snoutbean

by MachiInverness, Florida, United States

The new leaves were a brownish to olive color and the larger, more mature ...

0 0 Showy Milkwort

Showy Milkwort

by MachiFlorida, USA

The flowers were already closed. See this for flowers: ...

0 0 Rapp's Cup Lichen

Rapp's Cup Lichen

by MachiFlorida, USA

Multi-tiered lichens in a large colony. Pale pinkish brown ascocarps

0 0 Lentinus Mushroom

Lentinus Mushroom

by MachiFlorida, USA

Very hairy brown caps with paler margins

0 0 Coral Fungus

Coral Fungus

by MachiFlorida, USA

sandy woods with pine and oak

0 0 White Lobelia

White Lobelia

by MachiFlorida, USA

Sandy forest with pine and oak. This habitat is considered fire-suppressed ...

0 0 Gulf Fritillary

Gulf Fritillary

by MachiFlorida, USA

Lantana bushes in a suburban yard near mixed pine and oak forest

1 0 Zebra Longwing

Zebra Longwing

by MachiFlorida, USA

Among Bidens flowers in a suburban yard

0 0 Phaon Crescent

Phaon Crescent

by MachiFlorida, USA

Weedy area near a parking lot in Crystal River Preserve State Park

1 0 Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

by MachiFlorida, USA

Standing on some rocks in a large pond in Crystal River Preserve State Park

0 0 Spotting


by MachiFlorida, USA

Vine with long, thin leaves

0 2 Marsh Periwinkle

Marsh Periwinkle

by MachiFlorida, USA

On a seawall of a river with brackish water

0 2 Lobelia sp.

Lobelia sp.

by MachiFlorida, USA

Wet, grassy area near the welcome center at Crystal River Archaeological State ...

0 0 Coastal Sea Rocket

Coastal Sea Rocket

by MachiFlorida, USA

Growing on the beach

1 5 Samphire


by MachiFlorida, USA

On some high ground at Fort Island Gulf Beach

0 3 Mangrove Tree Crab

Mangrove Tree Crab

by MachiFlorida, USA

Crawling on the columns holding up the pier at Fort Island Gulf Beach

0 0 Sea Blite

Sea Blite

by MachiFlorida, USA

Rubbery looking plant

0 1 Red Mangrove

Red Mangrove

by MachiFlorida, USA

A mangrove species

0 0 Gulf Fritillary

Gulf Fritillary

by MachiFlorida, USA

On a path next to the Academy of Environmental Science in Crystal River

0 0 Giant Leather Fern

Giant Leather Fern

by MachiFlorida, USA

In a muddy salt marsh next to the Academy of Environmental Science

0 0 Squirrel Tree Frog

Squirrel Tree Frog

by MachiFlorida, USA

Tree frog hanging around a light

0 0 Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper

by MachiFlorida, USA

I do not often see the berries of this plant

3 2 Laughing Gull

Laughing Gull

by MachiFlorida, USA

Small, sandy beach that doesn't get many visitors

1 0 Long-legged Fly

Long-legged Fly

by MachiFlorida, USA

Blue long-legged fly

0 2 Spotting


by MachiFlorida, USA

I'm thinking maybe Ringless Honey Mushrooms

0 2 Meadow Beauty

Meadow Beauty

by MachiFlorida, USA

Large, showy purple flowers with yellow stigma

0 0 Flower Chafer

Flower Chafer

by MachiFlorida, USA

Small brown beetle feeding on nectar

0 0 Aquarium Caulerpa

Aquarium Caulerpa

by MachiFlorida, USA

At the edge of the water at Fort Island Gulf Beach

0 0 Gray Woodgrain Moth

Gray Woodgrain Moth

by MachiInverness, Florida, United States

Brown moth with hollow ring markings.

0 0 Red Bay Psyllid

Red Bay Psyllid

by MachiFlorida, USA

Psyllid larvae inside a gall. You can see some waxy tubules coming out of the ...

1 0 Narrowleaf Silkgrass

Narrowleaf Silkgrass

by MachiFlorida, USA

Very plentiful plant with yellow flowers; fluffy seeds; and flat, grass-like ...

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