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0 1 Spotting


by CoastalJHawkKingsland, Georgia, USA

0 0 Eastern Kingbird

Eastern Kingbird

by CoastalJHawkKingsland, Georgia, USA

0 0 Spotting


by 123mmoranTybee Island, Georgia, USA

Insect blue green irridescent fly

1 1 Spotting


by LaurieTootleSlaughterGeorgia, USA

Southeast GA coastal forest

2 0 Common Bladderwort

Common Bladderwort

by CoastalJHawkKingsland, Georgia, USA

1 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

•Tiny bird. •Long tail. •Bluish gray back. •White underside. •White ...

0 0 Blue Jay

Blue Jay

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Common, large songbird is familiar to many people, with its perky crest; blue, ...

2 0 Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Black with bold white stripes down the neck and a flaming-red crest.

10 10 Crab-like Spiny Orb Weaver

Crab-like Spiny Orb Weaver

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

A small orb-weaving spider with white body, black spots, and red spines.

1 2 Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Pale, medium-sized woodpeckers. Barred backs and gleaming red caps.

0 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

by james.hawkins77Georgia, USA

Very small, pale blue-gray back, and white eye-ring.

1 0 Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

A small to medium white heron with pale orange-brown patches on it's head, ...

1 0 Longleaf Pine

Longleaf Pine

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

The bark is thick, reddish-brown, and scaly.

1 0 Ring-billed Gull

Ring-billed Gull

by james.hawkins77Georgia, USA

This gull had the red orbital ring and yellow bill with distinct dark ring.

3 3 Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher

by james.hawkins77Georgia, USA

Bright rufous underparts, streaked underparts, and long distinctive tail.

3 0 Carolina Anole (juvenile)

Carolina Anole (juvenile)

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

I've spotted a variety of Anoles but this little juvenile is the smallest.

2 3 Carolina anole

Carolina anole

by james.hawkins77Georgia, USA

This Anole had dinner early today. Very crunchy.

3 1 Spotting


by wadigo2Georgia, USA

Dime sized, having spun a web from the ground to a 6' high tree limb, in the ...

0 0 Spotting


by wadigo2Georgia, USA

Dried out, fibrous, one ounce weight, Found on the ground.

0 2 Common Grackle

Common Grackle

by james.hawkins77Georgia, USA

The male adult has a long dark bill, pale yellowish eyes and a long tail; its ...

2 2 Great Crested Flycatcher

Great Crested Flycatcher

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Bright yellow belly. Cinnamon rufous in wings and tail. Pale wingbars.

2 6 American Crow

American Crow

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

All black; distinguished from other crows and ravens by structure and voice.

1 2 Tarflower


by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

The evergreen leaves are oval, and both the leaves and stem are coarsely hairy. ...

1 0 Black and Yellow Argiope

Black and Yellow Argiope

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

The normal colors are black and yellow.

2 0 American Redstart (female)

American Redstart (female)

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

The female Redstart has a light gray head. Gray to light green back. Whitish ...

0 0 Elliott's Milk Pea

Elliott's Milk Pea

by Life Is Like a LimeGeorgia, USA

forests, lake and marsh edges, coastal ...

0 0 Evergreen Wood Fern

Evergreen Wood Fern

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Fronds are finely dissected, lacy, dark green and glossy, 15 to 36 inches long. ...

1 0 Rose


by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Cultivar: Knockout Additional cultivar information: (PP11836; aka Knock Out, ...

0 1 Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Small heron of the southeastern United States

3 2 Millipede


by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Five inches of rain and everything is coming out to escape the high water.

0 0 Smooth Cordgrass

Smooth Cordgrass

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Spartina alterniflora is a perennial deciduous grass which is found in ...

0 0 Common House Gecko

Common House Gecko

by CoastalJHawkGeorgia, USA

Small brown, cream, and tan lizard.

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