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5 3 Golofa porteri

Golofa porteri

by SusanEllisonProvincia de Pichincha, Ecuador

found in sachatamia lodge, mindo...delicacy for the birds in the morning

2 0 Rhinoceros Beetle

Rhinoceros Beetle

by Felix FleckAzuay, Ecuador

About 5-7cm long without the “horns”, with these being about 4cm long; light ...

9 4 Escarabajo rinoceronte - Rhinoceros Beetle

Escarabajo rinoceronte - Rhinoceros Beetle

by Augusto Patiño RamírezComuna Tesorito, Caldas, Colombia

Los escarabajos rinoceronte son coleópteros provistos de uno o más cuernos en ...

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