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1 0 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by harsuameSantander, Colombia

1 2 suiriri-cavaleiro


by MilaCaçapava, São Paulo, Brazil

0 0 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by FAFPalmas, Tocantins, Brazil

0 0 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by rubens.lucianoMonteiro Lobato, São Paulo, Brazil

0 0 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by Evaldo NascimentoFortaleza, CE, Brazil

2 0 Siriri (Cattle Tyrant)

Siriri (Cattle Tyrant)

by WillianKellerGuarapuava, Paraná, Brazil

3 0 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by Aisse GaertnerRio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


0 0 Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

by pattyMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

During a cold but sunny winter day, the

1 0 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by JeffCrocombeEngenheiro Coelho, SP, Brazil

Lawn at UNASP, Engenheiro Coelho Campus, Sao Paulo.

11 3 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by remco.doumaMaldonado, Uruguay

Spotted in Punta Ballena, exploring the rocks there.

1 1 Cattle Tyrant

Cattle Tyrant

by JeanCarlosW.ThumsSC, Brazil

Was hunting fishes in the lake

2 3 Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

Cattle tyrant (Picabuey)

by PattyCJuan Lacaze, Colonia, Uruguay

Small bird commonly seen in uruguayan pastures, it can be seen on the grass, on ...

3 1 Cattle tyrant

Cattle tyrant

by pattyMaldonado, Uruguay

The beautiful bird was walking along José Ignacio's shore looking for food. As ...

7 7 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

by KassiusKlaySantosMG, Brazil

One of the smallest owl in Americas.

4 2 blackbird; true trush; turdus; tordo (with picabuey and zebra)

blackbird; true trush; turdus; tordo (with picabuey and zebra)

by PattyCMontevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

The blackbird and the picabuey followed the zebra around and the three of them ...

3 0 Cattle tyrant

Cattle tyrant

by BrunoMollerAngra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil

•They eat parasitic arthropods on mammals (cleaning symbiosis). •They spend ...

2 1 Cattle tyrant

Cattle tyrant

by BrunoMollerFoz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil

•They eat parasitic arthropods on mammals (cleaning symbiosis). •They spend ...

0 0 Suiriri-cavaleiro


by MauricioMedeirosParanaguá, Paraná, Brazil

O peito é amarelo, a garganta clara, a cabeça cinza e as partes superiores ...

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