A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Pale yellow translucent wings with a couple of dark spots near the tip.
Stork with red bill and red legs, white belly.
Large dragonfly with black and yellow bands.
Medium-small bird, pale brown, with a white belly.
One of the skippers, orange/brown with white and black markings.
Predominantly brown butterfly with white flecks and darker spots.
Small butterfly, with dramatic eye sppots on the forewings.
Small butterfly, pale brown with darker brown markings.
Small pale butterfly, with very noticeable "tails" on the hind wings.
Small butterfly, pale with grey and black markings, and orange near the tip of ...
One of the browns, usually found in shady areas in woodland.
Dragonfly with blue tail, brown thorax with a white stripe.
Medium sized snake
Large dragonfly with green and brown thorax and orange abdomen.
This damselfly is bright blue with black stripes.
Yellow flowers, leaves softly velvety.
An acacia with yellow flowers, large paired thorns, deeply grooved bark.
Small blue flowers with yellow anthers.
Small shrub with white flowers, spiny calyx lobes very noticeable.
Greenish brown body, glistening wings.
Yellow flowers, leaves with elongated tips which curl around other vegetation ...
Herb with narrow, well spaced leaves, white flowers.
Small shrub, covered in soft downy white hairs, red flowers.
Large shrub or small tree, flowers with pink calyx and purple petals.
Twiggy shrublet, oval leaves, yellow flowers on long stalks.
Shrubby herb, thinly hairy, usually no prickles. Mauve flowers and yellow fruit.