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1 3 Spotting


by pamsaiSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland


1 0 Spotting


by pamsaiTamil Nadu, India


1 0 Spotting


by pamsaiTamil Nadu, India


2 0 Spotting


by pamsaiTamil Nadu, India


0 0 Dotted blue

Dotted blue

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Small butterfly, white with black dots.

5 0 Caterpillar


by TizLubombo, Swaziland

App. 5 cm.

0 2 Silky Lacewing

Silky Lacewing

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Pale yellow translucent wings with a couple of dark spots near the tip.

2 0 Black Stork

Black Stork

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Stork with red bill and red legs, white belly.

7 4 Banded bug

Banded bug

by TizSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

8 mm.

0 0 locust


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Pale green locust.

0 0 locust


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Fairly large pale brown locust

4 0 weevil


by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Greyish brown, finely hairy, weevil.

0 1 beetle


by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

A small, light brown beetle.

4 1 bee


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

A bee feeding on Abutilon sp.

0 2 Quarre's Fingertail

Quarre's Fingertail

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Large dragonfly with black and yellow bands.

1 0 Common Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Medium-small bird, pale brown, with a white belly.

0 0 Red toad

Red toad

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

A pale form of this toad, pale back and darker side stripe.

0 0 Pale ranger

Pale ranger

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

One of the skippers, orange/brown with white and black markings.

0 0 Clouded forester

Clouded forester

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Predominantly brown butterfly with white flecks and darker spots.

0 0 Impure ringlet

Impure ringlet

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Small butterfly, with dramatic eye sppots on the forewings.

0 0 African grass blue

African grass blue

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Small butterfly, pale brown with darker brown markings.

0 0 Tailed black-eye

Tailed black-eye

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Small pale butterfly, with very noticeable "tails" on the hind wings.

0 0 Tailed meadow blue

Tailed meadow blue

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Small butterfly, pale with grey and black markings, and orange near the tip of ...

0 0 Grizzled bush brown

Grizzled bush brown

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

One of the browns, usually found in shady areas in woodland.

0 0 Black pie

Black pie

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

A small butterfly, bold black and white markings.

0 0 Epaulet Skimmer

Epaulet Skimmer

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Dragonfly with blue tail, brown thorax with a white stripe.

1 0 Western Stripe-bellied Sand Snake

Western Stripe-bellied Sand Snake

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Medium sized snake

1 0 Orange Emperor

Orange Emperor

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Large dragonfly with green and brown thorax and orange abdomen.

0 0 Kersten's Sprite

Kersten's Sprite

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Blue and black damselfly

0 0 Black-tailed Bluet male

Black-tailed Bluet male

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

This damselfly is bright blue with black stripes.

0 0 Hamon's Sprite

Hamon's Sprite

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Multicoloured damselfly

0 0 Commelina


by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Slender herb, blue flowers with yellow anthers.

0 0 Sedge


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

A sedge with distinctive white florets.

0 0 Forest abutilon

Forest abutilon

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Yellow flowers, leaves softly velvety.

0 0 Scented-pod Thorn

Scented-pod Thorn

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

An acacia with yellow flowers, large paired thorns, deeply grooved bark.

1 0 Blue aneilema

Blue aneilema

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Small blue flowers with yellow anthers.

0 0 White bushveld barleria

White bushveld barleria

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Small shrub with white flowers, spiny calyx lobes very noticeable.

0 0 Glistening Demoiselle

Glistening Demoiselle

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Greenish brown body, glistening wings.

0 0 Wild hop

Wild hop

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Twining herb with pale cream flowers and distinctive petal-like floral bracts.

1 1 Flame lily

Flame lily

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Yellow flowers, leaves with elongated tips which curl around other vegetation ...

0 0 Slender monkey flower

Slender monkey flower

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Herb with narrow, well spaced leaves, white flowers.

0 0 Ruellia


by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Small shub, thinly hairy, with white flowers.

0 0 Indigofera


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Small shrub, covered in soft downy white hairs, red flowers.

0 0 Wild parasol flower

Wild parasol flower

by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Large shrub or small tree, flowers with pink calyx and purple petals.

0 0 Beefly


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Large fly, black body and white tip to abdomen.

0 0 Spider-leg


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Twiggy shrublet, oval leaves, yellow flowers on long stalks.

0 0 Yellow Bitter-apple

Yellow Bitter-apple

by KateBraunMbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Shrubby herb, thinly hairy, usually no prickles. Mauve flowers and yellow fruit.

6 2 Moth


by KateBraunSifundza seLubombo, Swaziland

Moth with translucent sections in the wings.

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