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0 0 Nebraska Cone-head

Nebraska Cone-head

by Lenny2Florence, Kentucky, USA

0 0 Broad-Tipped Conehead

Broad-Tipped Conehead

by John G. PhillipsAtlántico Norte, Honduras

0 0 Cone-headed grasshopper

Cone-headed grasshopper

by WinniedeCeuninckTallahassee, Florida, USA

Window shield

1 1 Conehead Katydid

Conehead Katydid

by perezzHouston, Texas, USA


0 0 Broad-tipped Conehead

Broad-tipped Conehead

by courtneyhitson Abbeville, Georgia, USA

2 4 Conehead Katydid

Conehead Katydid

by eshli.orWestfield, Massachusetts, USA

0 0 Coneheaded katydid (female)

Coneheaded katydid (female)

by victoria.vineyardClinton, South Carolina, USA

0 0 Conehead Katydid (female)

Conehead Katydid (female)

by James McNairMelbourne, Florida, USA

0 2 Conehead Katydid

Conehead Katydid

by JackGrahamKilleen, Texas, USA

1 1 Common Conehead

Common Conehead

by ebsharrett1950Naples, Florida, USA

0 1 Broad-Tipped Conehead

Broad-Tipped Conehead

by John G. PhillipsNicaragua, Nicaragua

Brown katydid in Nicaragua. Fairly common.

1 0 Common Coneheads

Common Coneheads

by EmChardVineland, New Jersey, USA

About 2 - 2 1/2"

0 0 Common Conehead katydid

Common Conehead katydid

by TammiThiele-DoshierRogers, Arkansas, USA

Attracted to my porch light

0 0 Broad-tipped conehead

Broad-tipped conehead

by Brian38Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA

Brown katydid with a dark stripe. 43-60 mm (male), 51-67 mm (female)

0 1 Broad-tipped conehead

Broad-tipped conehead

by EricRizzoFlorida, USA

3 inches long. Brown/Tan

1 0 Broad-tipped conehead, female

Broad-tipped conehead, female

by auntnance123Florida, USA

approx. 1 34 inches long

0 4 Conehead Katydid

Conehead Katydid

by Mandy HollmanGeorgia, USA

Large insect. Look how well it blends in with the bush!

0 0 Conehead grasshopper, brown form

Conehead grasshopper, brown form

by auntnance123Cocoa, Florida, USA

approx. 2 inches long

0 0 Nebraska Conehead

Nebraska Conehead

by Tamarac DenisMinnesota, USA

Spotted at Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge near Flat Lake.

0 7 Broad-tipped Brown Katydid

Broad-tipped Brown Katydid

by TamirDenton, Texas, USA

0 1 Broad-tipped Conehead

Broad-tipped Conehead

by KarenPuracanFlorida, USA

About 2" long.

2 0 Three-Eyed Conehead Katydid

Three-Eyed Conehead Katydid

by flowntheloopPlainville, Georgia, USA

Large, brown katydid with broad-tipped cone (nose) with dark underside. Cone is ...

0 0 Coneheaded Katydid

Coneheaded Katydid

by cefarrowChicago, Illinois, USA

Bright green, leaflike with a cone shaped head, about 3" (7.6cm) long.

0 0 sword-bearing conehead

sword-bearing conehead

by Arun RoyAsansol, West Bengal, India

45-55 mm for males; 52-64 mm for females. Cone with pinched-in sides and a ...

0 0 Broad tipped cone head

Broad tipped cone head

by momsavangGeorgia, USA

Katydid family I think. The site I found for the Broad Tipped Cone Head said ...

0 0 Round-tipped Conehead (female)

Round-tipped Conehead (female)

by k.andrews6Providence, Rhode Island, USA

About 2 inches long.

1 0 Round-tipped Conehead Katydid

Round-tipped Conehead Katydid

by MeganMCouncil Bluffs, Iowa, USA

Found on my house at night; lit with flashlight.

0 0 Caudell's Conehead Katydid

Caudell's Conehead Katydid

by ursulavPittsboro, North Carolina, USA

A rather large green katydid with a distinctly villainous expression.

0 0 Sword-bearing Conehead, female

Sword-bearing Conehead, female

by ForestDragonNew York, USA

Medium sized, bright green Katydid. Long, fairly straight ovipositor. Horn ...

0 0 Common conehead grasshopper

Common conehead grasshopper

by Nathan DaileyMaryland, USA

The Common conehead grasshopper is a relative of the Katydid grasshopper. There ...

1 0 Round-tipped Conehead

Round-tipped Conehead

by BugEricOhio, USA

Medium-sized conehead with short cone (and black line on cone). May be green ...

1 7 Conehead katydid (bush cricket)

Conehead katydid (bush cricket)

by Marion HallSalinas, Imbabura, Ecuador

large bush cricket. My memory of exact size is unclear but think total body ...

0 0 Nebraska Conehead Katydid

Nebraska Conehead Katydid

by cykovisualsRichmond, Virginia, USA

A small conehead with a prominent cone that is largely black on its lower ...

2 1 Robust conehead

Robust conehead

by GoodyTulsa, Oklahoma, USA

This was such a fun insect. Whenever I would approach or touch her while she ...

2 1 Sword-bearing Conehead

Sword-bearing Conehead

by BugEricDeerfield, Massachusetts, USA

Large, sleek katydid with cone-shaped head. Shape of cone and black marking on ...

1 0 Common Conehead

Common Conehead

by Oscar NetoSC, Brazil

(Karny, 1907)

Orthoptera: Ensifera: Tettigonioidea: Tettigoniidae: ...

1 3 Broad tipped Conehead Katydid

Broad tipped Conehead Katydid

by SatyenMehtaUnion Territory of Dādra and Nagar Haveli, India

Seen on my mosquito net, right above my last spotting of praying mantis. A big ...

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