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1 1 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by Quinn HeistEgg Harbor City, New Jersey, USA

Pine Barrens

0 0 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by empidonaxOld Bridge Township, New Jersey, USA

0 0 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by Wes4Bristol, Virginia, USA

1 0 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by portiere1217Massachusetts, USA

1 0 Pitch pine

Pitch pine

by 19lmckeeverMaryland, USA

4 2 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by Christine Y.Sherman, Connecticut, United States

This tree sap had dripped out of wounds in a fallen pitch pine tree and had ...

0 0 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by sarah in the woodsTennessee, USA

3 needles to a bundle. round cones closely attached to branch

0 0 Pitch Pine Trees

Pitch Pine Trees

by smutnee80Albany, New York, USA

Inland pine barren dry sandy soil.

1 1 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by empidonaxWoodland Township, New Jersey, USA

Many pitch pines showed seasonal color changes.

0 0 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by Fyn KyndMaine, USA

A common tree at Reid State Park.

0 0 Pitch pine

Pitch pine

by jamerbeanNew York, New York, USA

A pine tree that had unusual small shoots coming off its trunk.

0 0 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by MachiMaine, USA

Pine tree with leaves/needles in clusters of three. Very plentiful with a ...

1 0 Pino carrasco. Aleppo Pine

Pino carrasco. Aleppo Pine

by eula rubioPinet, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Las hojas son simples, agrupadas de a dos, aciculares,

0 0 Pitch pine

Pitch pine

by TimTwohigMassachusetts, USA

Small to medium sized member of the pine family. Needle clusters come in ...

0 0 Pitch Pine

Pitch Pine

by andoverbiologyAndover, Massachusetts, USA

This tree is useful because it is used in the production of lumber. Also used ...

3 0 Tulasnella violea

Tulasnella violea

by Christine Y.Sherman, Connecticut, United States

I'm not sure how to describe this fungus! It was growing under the bark of ...

0 0 Unknown Mushrooms

Unknown Mushrooms

by ForestDragonIslip, New York, USA

Very small, brown mushrooms with bell-shaped/ conical caps. Dark stems. Outside ...

0 0 European Pine Sawfly larva

European Pine Sawfly larva

by Small WondersGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA

The European Pine Sawfly is native to Europe and affects pines in landscapes, ...

0 0 Northern Pine Sphinx

Northern Pine Sphinx

by Gary17Minnesota, USA

Hosts: Various pines including red pine (

5 4 Inland Barrens Buckmoth (larva)

Inland Barrens Buckmoth (larva)

by JakubkoNew York, USA

. The moth is found in specific habitats, such as the sandy pine (

0 0 Longleaf Pine

Longleaf Pine

by ChrisBurkettNorth Carolina, USA

confusion with Pitch Pine, Pinus

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