A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
The tamarind tree produces edible, pod-like ...
On the old Tamarind tree....
Early Summer........
Also known as - Guamachil, Manila Tamarind, ...
A type of legume. Used in cuisines all over the world. Other uses include ...
Ant nest constructed in a Tamarind tree.
Trees with not that many leaves
(including Worcestershire sauce), curries, preserves and chutney.
"The tamarind tree produces edible, ...
found feeding on a sampaloc (tamarind) leaf
a tussok moth larva on a young tamarind ...
Mide aproximadamente 9 cm conlas alas cerradas
Spotting this on tamarind tree. Bagworm ...
Tamarind tree in an urban area.
A moth with an eye patch at the end, on a
The tree is Tamarindus indica
Leaves are evergreen, bright green in color, elliptical ovular, arrangement is ...