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10 2 Trilobite Beetle

Trilobite Beetle

by soto.kelinciWest Java, Indonesia

1 0 Beautiful Demoiselle

Beautiful Demoiselle

by squaresolidIndonesia

Curug Cilember, Bogor, West

1 0 Painted Grasshawk

Painted Grasshawk

by squaresolidBogor, Indonesia

Bogor Arboretum, West

0 0 moth


by laurio leonaldCirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Ciremai mount national park, west

2 2 Unnamed spotting

Unnamed spotting

by AchmmadMWYIndonesia

I have no idea about this one.

2 1 gagajahan


by laurio leonaldJawa Barat, Indonesia

Gunung Tilu, Kuningan, West

1 3 Unknown Snake

Unknown Snake

by IanWongkarDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

0 2 Unknown Leech

Unknown Leech

by IanWongkarDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

1 0 Spotting


by Mona PirihBanten, Indonesia

Rain Forest - Kalajetan - Ujung Kulon - National Park -

6 0 Fluffy Tit

Fluffy Tit

by laurio leonaldJawa Barat, Indonesia

gunung culamega, hantara, kuningan, west ...

14 5 Comb-clawed Beetle

Comb-clawed Beetle

by Jason AlexanderWest Java, Indonesia


1 0 Spotting


by squaresolidBogor, Indonesia

Another skipper with all black color. 2-3 cmish.

2 0 Javanese Rhododendron

Javanese Rhododendron

by wachmmadmJawa Barat, Indonesia

A medium sized epiphytic shrubs. Flower usually orange.

1 0 Huntsman spider?

Huntsman spider?

by squaresolidIndonesia

body length about 5-8cm, golden dark yellow and black color, hairy skin.

1 0 Ebony Jewelwing

Ebony Jewelwing

by squaresolidIndonesia

metalic blue.

2 2 Pygmy Tit

Pygmy Tit

by Mona PirihDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

Tiny bird... Endemic to West

1 1 Banded Treebrown

Banded Treebrown

by laurio leonaldJawa Barat, Indonesia

Ciremai Mount National Park, West

0 0 Striped Black Crow

Striped Black Crow

by laurio leonaldJawa Barat, Indonesia

Ciremai mount national park, west

1 1 Common Three Ring

Common Three Ring

by laurio leonaldCirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Ciremai mount national park, west

2 0 Mapwing


by laurio leonaldIndonesia

Ciremai mount national park, west

1 0 Spotting


by Mona PirihDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

Very tiny moth

1 1 Common Faun

Common Faun

by laurio leonaldJawa Barat, Indonesia

Ciremai mount national park, west

4 1 Purple Sapphire

Purple Sapphire

by laurio leonaldJawa Barat, Indonesia

Ciremai mount national park, west

11 0 Kukri Snake

Kukri Snake

by Mona PirihJawa Barat, Indonesia

Halimun National Park - West

13 3 Peacock Pansy

Peacock Pansy

by Mona PirihBanten, Indonesia

Kalajetan Forest at Ujung Kulon National Park -

5 1 Thyridid Moth

Thyridid Moth

by Mona PirihJawa Barat, Indonesia

Found in Cibodas - West

0 1 Asian honey bee

Asian honey bee

by nasru alam azizWest Java, Indonesia

8 8 Flannel Moth Caterpillar

Flannel Moth Caterpillar

by Jason AlexanderWest Java, Indonesia

About 7cm

5 4 Green Jungle Fowl

Green Jungle Fowl

by Mona PirihBali, Indonesia

In Java and Bali locally common in suitable ...

4 0 Spotting


by AchmmadMWYJKT, Indonesia

this species is native to Java or not.

1 0 butterfly


by dandoucetteWest Java, Indonesia

all orangish brown butterfly, about 2"

18 4 caterpillar


by dandoucetteWest Java, Indonesia

large, extremely hairy, all red caterpillar

18 2 Key Deer

Key Deer

by AndhiPriatmokoBogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

taken at Indonesia Safari Park, in Cisarua,

2 0 Spotting


by wendy.yatnoBogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

It's an aquatic flora. Found between rice in

1 1 Grass Frog

Grass Frog

by IanWongkarBandung, Indonesia

family: Ranidae subfamily: Dicroglossinae Location: Kamojang,

5 5 Samurai stink bug

Samurai stink bug

by squaresolidBogor, Indonesia

beautiful guy :D

3 0 Great eggfly

Great eggfly

by NoonathomeIndonesia

Like to visit Lantana bushes

1 3 Crimson Marsh Hawk - male

Crimson Marsh Hawk - male

by SuzannaSetiawatyJawa Barat, Indonesia

spotted at Situ Gunung National Park, Sukabumi,

1 0 Orchid


by Mona PirihDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

I found this orchid is about 2400 m in Gede - Pangrango Mountain in

2 4 Cantigi Gunung

Cantigi Gunung

by Mona PirihDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

I found this on the top of Gede Mountain 2958 m -

3 4 Orange - spotted Bulbul

Orange - spotted Bulbul

by Mona PirihDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

Found in Cibodas - Mount Sela - West

2 4 Crane Fly

Crane Fly

by Jason AlexanderDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

At Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park,

2 0 Giant Taro

Giant Taro

by IreneBAJawa Barat, Indonesia

rain forest. it's found in our National Park in Bandung,

5 4 Delias Butterfly

Delias Butterfly

by Mona PirihDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

D c. crithoe - West

1 0 Javan Impatiens

Javan Impatiens

by Jason AlexanderDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

Quite common in Gunung Gede Pangrango NatPark, endemic to

4 4 Hour - glass slender toad

Hour - glass slender toad

by Mona PirihDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

Very tiny

3 1 Forest Skink

Forest Skink

by Mona PirihBanten, Indonesia

Rain Forest in Kalajetan - Ujung Kulon National Park -

5 5 Sterculia


by wendy.yatnoDaerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta, Indonesia

Tropical rain forest - West

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