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Crested Anole

Anolis cristatellus


Coloration may vary significantly from a brownish-red to a dark black or a very light gray, and colors shift in reaction to temperature and behavioral state. They are often incorrectly referred to as "chameleons" because of their ability to slightly change color, but they are not related to true chameleons. They have a crest along the tail, probably serving to demonstrate dominance in a contest against another male for a female. The male has a bright yellow-orange dewlap which is also used in determining dominance when attempting to control territory. They usually are from 5-8 inches in length, but occasionally will grow up to 10 inches.--Wikipedia


natural forests, planted forests, ruderal/disturbed, scrub/shrublands, urban areas


They mainly eat spiders and small invertebrates, but will occasionally eat fruit on the ground. They will sometimes even eat other anoles, due to territorial reasons, or if food is scarce. Wikipedia

1 Species ID Suggestions

Liam 12 years ago
Crested Anole
Anolis cristatellus Puerto Rican Crested Anole

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Jake21 6 years ago

This is definitely Anolis sagrei.

Reza Hashemizadeh
Reza Hashemizadeh 11 years ago

Awesome !

ForestDragon 11 years ago

These are one of the many introduced species that are thriving in Florida. They are pretty impressive looking for a little lizard.
Please update your spotting with the common and scientific names so it can be removed from the unknowns and added to the database, thanks!

MelissaFerguson 12 years ago

Thank you Liam!

Spotted by

Melbourne, Florida, USA

Spotted on Jul 2, 2010
Submitted on Apr 2, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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