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California Kingsnake (banana morph)

Lampropeltis getula californae


Scale coloration and patterning led me to believe this was a Speckled Kingsnake; however, after consulting with a local expert, we determined that this is in fact a California Kingsnake. The exact morphology is known as a "banana morph." My thanks go out to Bryan Plis for his help and insights.


Mesker Park Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Evansville, IN, USA


NOTE: This specimen was supposedly found in a local resident's apartment (perhaps an escaped pet or the like). I would like the Project Noah community to verify this identification, as the local expert on hand had not as yet identified the exact morphology at the time of these photographs.

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Indiana, USA

Spotted on Apr 3, 2012
Submitted on Apr 4, 2012

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