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Lemon Pansy

Junonia lemonias


It is brown with numerous eye-spots as well as black and lemon-yellow spots and lines on the upperside of the wings. The underside is a dull brown, with a number of wavy lines and spots in varying shades of brown and black. There is also an eyespot on the lower side of the forewing.


common nymphalid butterfly found in South Asia. It is found in gardens, fallow land, and open wooded areas


I spotted this in Sai Yok National Park. I saw these butterflies in a few parks in Asia but had trouble photographing them. They never stayed still for long. When I spotted this one I was determined to capture it. I followed it for a while. It would land and then fly off again but I stayed with it. Finally it landed and seemed to stay put. It had its wings closed and would only open them occasionally. So I kneeled down and hovered over it, camera ready for about 10 minutes and snapped dozens of photos before I finally caught the decent image you see here.

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Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 12 years ago

So true asergio! Thanks East End!

East End aka Lorelei
East End aka Lorelei 12 years ago

Your dogged determination payed off! Beautiful!

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 12 years ago

And when they finally stop, they keep their wings closed, so we can get only a shot of their underside. Annoying critters! :-)

CarolSnowMilne 12 years ago


Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 12 years ago

Thanks Goody and you are so right! Most of my butterfly shots took some persistence to get but it's worth it in the end if you get that one decent image.

Aaron_G 12 years ago

Great persistence on this shot, Dan! The casual viewer might think you snapped this in about 5 seconds and moved on. Others know how hard it is to catch up with butterflies and moths. 10 minutes can seem like an eternity when you're trying to keep an eye on a moving subject and follow it.

Dan Doucette
Spotted by
Dan Doucette


Spotted on Feb 20, 2012
Submitted on May 19, 2012

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