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Marine Iguana

Amblyrhynchus cristatus


The Marine Iguana is an iguana found only on the Galápagos Islands. It's color varies based on season. These dark grey Isabel Island iguana's have red areas idicating the mating season has just ended.


It has spread to all the islands in the archipelago, and is sometimes called the Galápagos Marine Iguana. It mainly lives on the rocky Galápagos shore, but can also be spotted in marshes and mangrove beaches.


Iguanas size is different depending on the island the individual iguana inhabits. The iguanas living on the islands of Fernandina and Isabela (named for the famous rulers of Spain) are the largest found anywhere in the Galápagos.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Aaron_G 12 years ago
Marine iguanas
Amblyrhynchus cristatus Marine Iguana

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drmo 12 years ago

That you for the ID confirmation

drmo 12 years ago

This would be one of those for sure

pamsai 12 years ago

Yes, forward! But a few places deserve a second visit, sometime!

drmo 12 years ago

I loved it! I want to go back but there are so manylaces I have yet to visit so....forward!

pamsai 12 years ago

great photos by the way. Galapagos was really incredible, wasn't it?

drmo 12 years ago

I think I finally figured it out. I didn't realize I could enlarge the map to find the Islands! They are all fixed. Thanks for your help. Live and learn.

pamsai 12 years ago

try typing in Galápagos Province, Ecuador. I got there by typing in Guayaquil which is on the coast of Ecuador, then dragging the pointer into the ocean and enlarging the map till the pointer was on the Galapagos, then moving it around the Galapagos till the name registered.

drmo 12 years ago

I will take suggestions on how to get the location exact. It will not take Isabela Island, Galapagos Islands etc. Help?

drmo 12 years ago

yes, i saw these on the Galapagos Islands. Fixed the location.

pamsai 12 years ago

I don't understand how you saw these in the middle of Ecuador. I saw them in the Galapagos...

Spotted by


Spotted on Jul 23, 2011
Submitted on Jun 23, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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