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Marine Iguana

Amblyrhynchus cristatus

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JuliaSá 10 years ago

Nossa quantos!!!

Very nice! I also particularly like the second spotting because it shows how Marine Iguanas dont seem to mind human structures on shore. They need underwater vegetation to feed on and soft, i.e. diggable, soil, sand or volcanic ash to deposit their eggs. Did you take these in Puerto Ayora or somewhere else?

Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

Very nice series; love the second photo with the iguana in the middle with a foot on the other's back. So nice you were able to go there. A belated welcome to Project Noah!

Hannah Ake
Spotted by
Hannah Ake

Parroquia Tomas de Berlanga (Santo Tomas), Provincia de Galápagos, Ecuador

Spotted on Mar 13, 2008
Submitted on Aug 22, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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