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Swamp Darner dragonfly wing

Epiaeschna heros


A lost wing from an unknown species of dragonfly, spotted along the boardwalk that goes through the central wetland area at Huntley Meadows Park. I call upon all members of Odonation -- please rise to the challenge and help me identify the type of dragonfly that lost a wing!


Huntley Meadows Park, a 1,425 acre wetland area in Fairfax County, Virginia USA. Related Resource:


Copyright © 2012 Walter Sanford. All rights reserved.

1 Species ID Suggestions

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matthewryanre 12 years ago

I began by looking back at Needham's "A Genealogic Study of Dragonfly Wing Venation" (1903) in order to figure out what I should be looking at as far as veins to determine the species. Then I turned to "Dragonflies of North America" by Needham and Westfall (1953) to find the Species. After looking at a few hundred wings, I determined that the Swamp Darner, Epiaeschna heros on page 286-287 was an exact match. Looking at the photos on confirmed the diagnosis.

Geodialist 12 years ago

Good detective work, Matt! I agree with your ID, especially in light of the fact that I spotted the wing on the boardwalk near the forest margin -- good Swamp Darner habitat. The wing in my photos is a perfect match for the wings shown in the following photo:

Spotted by

Virginia, USA

Spotted on Jun 6, 2012
Submitted on Jun 22, 2012

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