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Bicolor Tachinid fly

Cylindromyia bicolor


Mostly black with half part of abdomen red. Interesting golden or reddish pattern on the wings base.


Near stream, photographed sleeping on dried stems

1 Species ID Suggestions

Cylindromyia bicolor

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XemaRomero 12 years ago

Thanks for the comments.
Yeah I think so, Tachinidae family, looks like realted with Cylindromyia genus, but flies are not my speciality...

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 12 years ago

this is a Tachinid fly

kozoga 12 years ago

Bonita mosca en una gran imagen. Enhorabuena por la captura y un saludo.

AyushBanerjee 12 years ago

its a western big-fly(house fly or common fly) maybe... not sure

arlanda 12 years ago

Bonita mosca

Spotted by

Andalucía, Spain

Spotted on Jul 9, 2012
Submitted on Jul 10, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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