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Common Yellowthroat

Geothlypis trichas


Wood Warbler Subfamily 5". MALE. Upperparts and sides uniformally olive green, throat and chest, yellow; midbelly white; black maks over forehead and cheeks, broad white line above mask. Feeds low, often raises tail at an angle.


Wooded Swamps, marshes and shrubs May- October thru all of New England


Spotted in the Bangor City Forest in Bangor, Maine. This forest indeed is very swampy and boggy. These little felllows have given me a hard time in the past by flitting all over a single tree, or a few trees which has prevented me from being able to really focus to snap a photo. I have taken a picture of a female, and if I find that, I will post it here. I also have a photo of a male eating a juicy green worm. This is my most recent photo though.

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1 Comment

Heather E.L.Gerquest
Heather E.L.Gerquest 12 years ago

My source was: Nat'l Audubon Society: Field Guide to New England (by Peter Alden & Brian Cassie)

Bangor, Maine, USA

Spotted on Jun 20, 2012
Submitted on Jul 10, 2012

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