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Jewel caterpillar of a dalcerid moth

Acraga sp.


Low-land Rainforest


A caterpillar found in Guyana at night under a leave.

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Kraxler 12 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions. And yes we saw this amazing animal in the rainforest of Iwokrama.

GregMayberry 12 years ago

Thank you, Gerardo, for the clarification! This is what I love about Project Noah! If I don't know something . . . . SOMEONE out there does!!!

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Wow great spotting from the Acraga sp.!

GregMayberry 12 years ago

I found one of these with a white/blue/clear coloration along Rio Madre de Dios, along the border between Peru and Bolivia. It appears to be a gastropod, and not a caterpillar. Other than that, I can't really help you. Your photo is GORGEOUS, though!!!

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 12 years ago

Looks like jewels! It's nice to see some more spottings come in from Guyana. Where exactly did you see this? Iwokrama?

This is a great spotting!

Spotted by


Spotted on May 22, 2010
Submitted on Jul 8, 2012

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