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Bear Grass

Xerophyllum tenax


Kinda looks like asparagus. The ones in the photo are about two feet high, and a quarter inch in diameter. Not edible but the leaves are great for basket weaving and the roots chewed and applied as a poultice stops bleeding.


Mountain meadow


Found on the top of Mailbox Peak in the Washington Cascades near Seattle.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Xerophyllum tenax Xerophyllum tenax

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DanielePralong 12 years ago

Great shot!

Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 12 years ago

Lovely picture,

Jellis 12 years ago

Beargrass, Xerophyllum tenax

AngelChandler 12 years ago

Not edible but the leaves are great for basket weaving and the roots chewed and applied as a poultice stops bleeding. It's a great plant to be able to recognize in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

Bernadette S
Bernadette S 12 years ago

Beargrass! Guess it's not edible, then? ;-) Interesting info on the wiki about this plant though.

AngelChandler 12 years ago

One of my favorite plants!!

Bernadette S
Bernadette S 12 years ago

Nice spotting! It does look like asparagus. Wonder if it's a wild species?

Spotted by

Washington, USA

Spotted on Jun 30, 2012
Submitted on Jul 11, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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