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Pacific Chorus Frog

Pseudacris regilla


Tiny green frog about 1 inch long, enjoying the raindrops captured on a Calla lily after a rain in our garden.


Lush garden, Westcoast temperate rainforest.


After the first few pictures, I went in the house and when I returned, he had backed down into the puddle of water captured in the center of the leaf. I haven't seen him there since. I added #4 to show the relative size of this frog. He is in the leaf in the very center of the photo. Tiny!!

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KathleenMcEachern 11 years ago

Thanks Adarsha B S! I have been looking for this little frog or his relatives when I am in the garden this spring, but have not found him again so far. I see this spotting was July so maybe there is hope yet!

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 11 years ago

Stunning shot !

KathleenMcEachern 11 years ago

So tiny and special because it is native here. So many of the frogs here are introduced species. We have a nice pond but it has been taken over by bullfrogs! How did they find it?!

Mona Pirih
Mona Pirih 11 years ago

Wow.. That's so tiny...

birdlady6000 11 years ago

So when I was weeding the other day, I saw this little guy again and he is about 5 cm long. So a good ID afterall!

birdlady6000 12 years ago

•The Pacific Chorus Frog can change colour rapidly from light to dark, possibly in response to changes in temperature and humidity
•The distinctive call of the Pacific Chorus Frog (especially the mating choruses) is widely used in films for a "tropical" background. Cartoon frogs are often given a Pacific Chorus Frog voice as well!
•Pacific Chorus Frog can throw their voices to some extent, making it quite difficult to close in on a frog by following its call.

birdlady6000 12 years ago

The only thing wrong with my ID here is that Wiki says the Pacific Chorus frog is 5 cm long. I don't think this frog was that long. But in birding ID's the size is the one thing people most commonly guess wrong, so maybe that is the problem here. Maybe the frog was longer than 1 inch....

Spotted by

British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on Jul 9, 2012
Submitted on Jul 22, 2012

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