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Violet oil beetle

Meloe violaceus


Interesting looking beetle with an interesting life cycle. Larvae climb up on grass or on flowers, waiting to cling to the thorax of approaching potential host insects seeking pollen or nectar. The larvae have an exclusively parasitic life, primarily in the nests of solitary bees, or sometimes of locusts. When the host female bee lays eggs in its cells, the first-stage larva of the violet oil beetle eats the eggs of the bee, increases in volume and becomes the second-stage larva, which continues its development eating honey and pollen. The larva, after other two stages, forms the nymph and finally the imago.


Bright forest.

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1 Comment

Maria dB
Maria dB 9 years ago

Interesting spotting!

Spotted by


Spotted on Apr 26, 2013
Submitted on Feb 8, 2015

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