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Shiny cowbird

molothrus bonariensis


I had seen this bird flying around school several times and could finally take a picture of it. At the beginning I was quite sure that it was a Shiny cowbird (what we call a Tordo común) because there are several and alll around the country; the female also matched the colouring however it seemed so blue that it made me wonder if it isn´t a yellow - legged thrush but I can´t see the legs that well and the females look more as the shiny cowbird.

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1 Comment

patty 12 years ago

Yes!!!!! I saw both of them - the male and the female - at Saint George´s School =) =) Their nest is there somewhere because I have seen them several days in a row. When I see them again, I´ll call you. I have noticed that during breaktime they are sometimes on the outside of the football field. Greetings

Spotted by

Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Spotted on Aug 17, 2012
Submitted on Aug 17, 2012

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