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Sphingidae Ichneumonidae Pentatomidae

Sphingidae (maybe Xylophanes tersa) Ichneumonidae (predador 1) Pentatomidae (predador 2) (Zicrona caerulea)


(Caterpillar of the Shingidae Family parasitized by a wasp of the Ichneumonidae Family, shortly after empupar became the victim of another predator ... a Pentatomideo ...)



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Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 5 years ago

An awesome example of species interaction. Actualy, we have THREE species interacting here. Please add this spotting to the mission 2019 Best Wildlife Photo - Species interactions special ( I am looking forward to see more of your spottings.

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 5 years ago

Hello Maurino and Welcome to the Project Noah community!
We hope you like the website as much as we do. There are many aspects to the site and community. The best way to get started is to read the FAQs at where you can find all the tips, advice and "rules" of Project Noah. You, like the rest of the community, will be able to suggest IDs for species that you know (but that have not been identified), and make useful or encouraging comments on other users' spottings (and they on yours).
There are also "missions" you can join and add spottings to. See . A mission you should join is the to chose the "best wildlife photo of 2019",only the spottings added to that mission are eligible.Note that most missions are "local". Be sure not to add a spotting to a mission that was outside of mission boundaries or theme :) Each mission has a map you may consult showing its range. We also maintain a blog archive where we have posted previous articles from specialists from different geographical areas and categories of spottings, as well as wildlife "adventures".
So enjoy yourself, share, communicate, learn. See you around :)

Spotted by

SC, Brazil

Spotted on May 19, 2019
Submitted on Jun 2, 2019

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