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American Kestrel

Falco sparverius


The American Kestrel, also know as the Sparrow Hawk, is a small falcon, and the only kestrel found in the Americas. It is the most common falcon in North America, and is found in a wide variety of habitats. It is the smallest raptor in North America and is sexually dimorphic. This is a male!


High mountain meadow in the foothills.


This little guy was still trying to hunt during this late summer storm.

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27 Comments (1–25)

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Thank you EnvUnlimited! I love this guy!

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Thank you Satyen!

Wild Things
Wild Things 11 years ago


EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Cammie, thank you!

I don't currently have a photography specific feed. However, please feel free to "LIKE" my facebook page for my artwork.

I have recently started to incorporate my photography into the posts!

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Thank you again Janelle!

Cammie C. Jeffries
Cammie C. Jeffries 11 years ago

All of your shots are so amazing!!! Do you have a Facebook feed to follow?

Cammie C. Jeffries
Cammie C. Jeffries 11 years ago

Your shots are fantastic!!!

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

Beautiful capture, Emily!!

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Thanks Rhonda!

...and thanks again Yuko! This photo is one of my favorites! I was lucky to have captured the moment at all!

YukoChartraw 11 years ago

What a beautiful bird!
I, too, love the snow falling on the background. Lovely. :)

He's precious!

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Thank you Perils, he was a cutie indeed!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

too cute, Emily!

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Thank you KarenL!

KarenL 11 years ago

Wonderful atmospheric shot Emily!

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Oh my pleasure Lyndsey! :)

LyndseyD 11 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful little bird with me and the members in CFF! :)

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

Thank you nexttogone!

nexttogone 11 years ago

These birds are so cool looking. Great shot again.

EmilyMarino 11 years ago

They are so beautiful! They often get overlooked due to their size! His color was so vibrant against the dark sky and background! Thanks again Adam! :)

AdamBrown 11 years ago

great shot! i love the snow falling backdrop. The bird is also just really cool looking

EmilyMarino 12 years ago

Thank you Karen and Andi! I was lucky! I drove past him the other afternoon and after about 2 miles I decided to turn around and get a picture! I was lucky he was still there when I returned!

AndiBrowning 12 years ago

Very nice capture <3

KarenSaxton 12 years ago

great capture

Bird Nerd
Bird Nerd 12 years ago

Soooooo beautiful! The snowy background makes it even better!

Spotted by

Colorado, USA

Spotted on Aug 23, 2012
Submitted on Aug 24, 2012

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