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Coral de Cérebro

Diploria labyrinthiformis

3 Species ID Suggestions

namitha 11 years ago
Brain coral
Diploria.sp Brain coral
Lithophyllum byssoides
Lithophyllum byssoides Lithophyllum byssoides (Lamarck) Foslie :: Algaebase
Ana Coelho
Ana Coelho 8 years ago
lithophyllum tortuosum MACOI - Portuguese Seaweeds Website

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Ana Coelho
Ana Coelho 8 years ago

Eu duvido que seja coral, sobretudo pelo local onde encontraste
Parece-me ser lithophyllum tortuosum, uma espécie de algas calcária

mendes.madalena 11 years ago

yes it does kind of look like a brain coral but i think it is a Lithophyllum byssoides (Lithophyllum lichenoides before)

namitha 11 years ago

It looks like a Brain coral. Nice spotting.

Claudio Marques
Spotted by
Claudio Marques

Lisboa, Portugal

Spotted on Sep 16, 2012
Submitted on Sep 16, 2012

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