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Agaricus sp


Biggest mushroom I have ever seen! All white on top, brown very soft gills. My guide knew it well enough to know we could eat it, and we did. Just made sure I got photos before it got cut up :)


Grassland at about 8000ft elevation.

2 Species ID Suggestions

RandyL. 10 years ago
Agaricus species

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25 Comments (1–25)

Archer 07
Archer 07 8 years ago

That is the biggest mushroom I have ever seen. What kind of flavor do they have?

ramirez20202011 10 years ago


AshleyT 10 years ago

Hey Gully, if you see this I'd love to know if you can tell what species it is?

KarenSaxton 10 years ago

It was like my identification of the shaggy parasol at my place: the subspecies we have is mostly found in So cal: warmer areas and this one for whatever reason crops up when the weather is about to turn cold. Confused me greatly. At any rate, I had a great resource here in town and took him one. He cooked it up and ate it and declared it good... LOL. Said that he'd found some elsewhere and recognized it(and had sent quite a lot to a buyer in France), but it cooks up kind of funny looking, so that was his test. The French have been known to transport mushrooms/spore to many places if that helps.

AshleyT 10 years ago

Yea it looks like it would be it, I just need some confirmation it's in Africa. I was way out in the middle of nowhere, so if it's been introduced to Africa, there would be records of it if I was able to find it where I was at.

KarenSaxton 10 years ago

I don't think it is the termite mushroom either, now, knowing where it was and all - but they were equally huge and edible. Horse mushroom makes sense. Some mushrooms are found all over the world, although I don't have a guide that suggests the horse is or isn't, unfortunately. However, it's wide range suggests a good possibility

AshleyT 10 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion gfxeditor, but I can't find any records for that species being in Africa? If you have something that says it is I'd love to see it. I've only found it being in North America, Europe, parts of Asia, and a little bit in Australia.

gfxeditor 10 years ago

That's why its the horse mushroom, it's as big as a horse!

I don't think it is a Termitomyces spp. as KarenSaxton suggested.

MIAH 10 years ago

Its so big!!!

LaurenZarate 10 years ago

Can't believe you ate that! You are an adventurous soul!

Randy,i have a friend specialist in mushrooms to,he gives workshops of edible mushrooms and how to grow mushrooms indoor and he tell me that he think this is a Agaricus macrosporus,what´s your opinion?

RandyL. 10 years ago

Not Termitomyces, it is an Agaricus species.

Ali Hemati Pour
Ali Hemati Pour 10 years ago

WoW! Very Cool! ;-)

doreen.chambers.14 10 years ago

Wonderful. That is soooo big. I love it.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Termitomycetes needs termites and it's hard to find some with deep brown gills?

AshleyT 10 years ago

It was just in the grass, that's why I said found in a grassland.

KarenSaxton 10 years ago

I mean, you didn't mention whether it was found on a termite mound or not.

AshleyT 10 years ago

What do you mean I didn't mention where it was found? I have the location on the map and put the habitat in the habitat box.
Thanks for the suggestion! I have talked to Antonio about it, and he has an ID I'm pretty positive is correct, he's just going to have it confirmed over the weekend and get back to me in a few days.

KarenSaxton 10 years ago

I'm guessing here, since you didn't mention where it was found, but apparently most of them are edible and very god and also very big

AshleyT 10 years ago

Just trusted our guide on this one ;) Antonio thinks he found an ID, it says it global and people all over don't know what it is, just know its safe to eat. Guess my guide is one of those people lol. Don't know how he knew the first time, didn't see any other mushrooms in this habitat type though so maybe once he figured it out he just kept eating it and didn't die haha.

EmilyMarino 10 years ago

Just read your note...sorry! :P

EmilyMarino 10 years ago

Holy moly that is huge! Forgive me, I don't know fungi... how did you know it was safe to eat if you didn't know what kind it is? Not being snarky, just curious. Here in CO we get some russela shrooms and I guess some are edible and others that look very similar will make you sick. Super cool find!

Very cool,it was a perfect meal to a field explorer expedition like your's :-)

AshleyT 10 years ago

Well when we brought it back, lunch was already made, so it was just cooked really quickly and added to be another side. There were 11 of us total and there was still a little bit left over :)

Wow this is a super mushroom Ashley,very very cool,i imagine the meal:-)how many persons eat it? :-)

Spotted by

Phumelela Local Municipality, Free State, South Africa

Spotted on Jan 1, 2014
Submitted on Jan 18, 2014

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