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Neptune's necklace, Neptune's pearls, sea grapes or bubbleweed

Hormosira banksii


Neptune's Necklace is a distinctive algae made up of strings of hollow, water-filled, round or oval-shaped beads joined together by a short stalk. They also contain gas, allowing them to rise to the surface of the water, obtaining more sunlight and moving with the flow of the current. Each bead is filled with water that prevents desiccation between tides. The plants, especially when young, are edible.


It lives mostly on rock platforms along the coast.

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SukesihGuna 12 years ago

I have not taste them myself, I just read the info from the wikipedia. Thank you Gerardo and Argy Bee.

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Wonderful spotting and shots:)

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 12 years ago

Great stuff SukesihGuna. I never thought of trying to eat these.

Spotted by

New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Sep 23, 2012
Submitted on Sep 30, 2012

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