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Pale windscorpion

Eremobates pallipes


Brown, about 19mm in length.


In home near mixed/coniferous forest.


Found this following me around the house at night. It was fast and somewhat aggressive.

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1 Comment

Archer 07
Archer 07 8 years ago

The wind scorpion is in the arachnida class. They are also called Solifugae, Camel Spiders, Wind Scorpions, and Sun Spiders. Although they are in the arachnida class, they are not a true spider or scorpion.

They are a very aggressive hunter usually eating small insects but have been known to eat small snakes, lizards, and rodents.

They are usually found in dry, arid locations but some species can be found in grassland and forest habitats.

They have a painful bite but are not venomous.

Corey J
Spotted by
Corey J

California, USA

Spotted on Aug 20, 2008
Submitted on Nov 2, 2012

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