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Common Gecko

Tarentola mauritanica


Adults can measure up to 15 cm, tail included. Robust body and flat head. Back, legs and tail with prominent conic tubercles. Its regenerated tail is smoother and doesn't have tubercles. Obtuse mouth, big eyes with no eyelids and vertical pupil. Fingers with big lateral growths and adherent division less laminae in the bottom face. Only the third and fourth fingers end in union. Brownish grey or brown coloration with darker or lighter spots. These colours change in intensity according to the light. When they are active by day their colour is darker than during the night. It can be found on many construction sites, ruins, rock fields, tree trunks, etc.


Tarentola mauritanica is a species of gecko (Gekkonidae) native to the Western Mediterranean region of Europe and North Africa and widely introduced to North America and Asia. It is commonly observed on walls in urban environments, mainly in warm coastal areas, though it can spread inland - especially in Spain. A robust species, up to 150 millimetres long, its tubercules are enlarged and give the species a spiny armoured appearance.

1 Species ID Suggestions

AmirSohail 11 years ago
common gecko

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MartinUrban 11 years ago

Thx ... I Really Love that Geckos !!!

MartinUrban 11 years ago

Nice Spotting! It would be great if you could add this one to the 'Reptiles and Amphibians of Central Europe' Mission!

Stefano Giannotti
Spotted by
Stefano Giannotti

Camaiore, Toscana, Italy

Spotted on Jun 5, 2012
Submitted on Nov 25, 2012

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