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Black Caiman

Melanosuchus niger


These large black scaly caiman were allover in the rivers of Guyana although more prominent at night time when they do their hunting. The black caiman is one of the largest extant reptiles. It is the largest predator in the Amazon basin and possibly the largest member of the family Alligatoridae. Most adult black caimans are 2.8 to 4.26 metres (9.2–14 ft) in length, with a few old males growing larger than 5 m (16 ft) and exceeding a weight of 400 kg (880 lb). Mid-sized mature males of 3.5–4 m (11–13 ft) weigh approximately 300 kg (660 lb). The black caiman broadly overlaps in size with the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), although it is on average larger at maturity.


This one was seen on the Rupununi river in Guyana and was one of the larger Caiman that we saw on our trip. It is a carnivorous reptile that lives along slow-moving rivers and lakes, in the seasonally flooded savannas of the Amazon basin, and in other freshwater habitats in South America.

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Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

Thanks Bas

Bas 11 years ago

Wow really nice pictures!

Debbie Stewart
Spotted by
Debbie Stewart


Spotted on Sep 16, 2012
Submitted on Feb 9, 2013

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