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Orcus Checkered-Skipper

Pyrgus orcus


Found in a weedy area on farmland on the UNASP Engenheiro Coelho campus.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 11 years ago
Orcus Checkered-Skipper
Pyrgus orcus Orcus Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus orcus)

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bayucca 11 years ago

So you have also a double check of my former IDs I guess...

JeffCrocombe 11 years ago

The Neotropical Butterfly forum has ID'd this as orcus. So I'm going with that.

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago

Thanks for looking into this, bayucca. I agree with your points.

bayucca 11 years ago

I know that these Pyrgus are a nightmare to ID. Looking at the several spots I think it is Orcus not Oileus. There is a large spot on the forewing, which is slightly smaller in Oileus than in Orcus and Jeff's, that make me thinkmof this one being Pyrgus orcus.

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago

Yes, that is very similar. I still think it is Pyrgus oileus, but would like some people to confirm.

JeffCrocombe 11 years ago

I'll agree that its a Checkered-skipper; but why not Pyrgus orcus?

YukoChartraw 11 years ago

So precious!

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago

Lovely spotting! Please, confirm the ID.

Spotted by

Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, Brazil

Spotted on Feb 6, 2013
Submitted on Feb 6, 2013

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